If someone says he/she is felt in love with someone, is that true? What do you thing friends what is love?
Love is imagination or reality?I can't explain it but when i personally feel love with him i find it so peaceful and beautiful think and find it totally different from all relations of the world.
There are many kinds of love around us.Have you ever found security in any of your relationships? Is love sentiment? Is love emotion?All these questions indicate, don’t they, that we have ideas about love, ideas about what it should or should not be, a pattern or a code developed by the culture in which we live.
After all, you can have sex with someone you aren’t in love with. You can even feel the sex drive when you are driving in your car, reading a magazine or watching a movie. Lust is not necessarily focused on a particular individual.
Kindly place your comments about love for show your opinion thank you.
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