I think the same and afraid of such situations. But he can explain and convince me That he will not leave me despite what happened,
im sorry to heard about your story dude And thank you It will make an example for me
I think the same and afraid of such situations. But he can explain and convince me That he will not leave me despite what happened,
im sorry to heard about your story dude And thank you It will make an example for me
You will be fine! ;) We just got together on bad situations in both our lives and thought we could "change" eachother It was toxic from day ONE, I just couldn't see it or maybe didn't want to see it, So you two are already ahead of my marriage by a long shot!!! Congratulations again! You will have to steem a picture on the day! ;)
sure :) thankyou so much
i have following you dude goodluck
Welcome :) and right back at ya ;)