What is real LOVE? (2)

in #love8 years ago

We treat other people the way we see God. In other words: the image we created of what we believe God is like, determines how we treat and look at each other.

When we look around us most things we see and hear are so negative and judgemental. We grow up being influenced by what we experience. We tend to measure ourselves by comparing ourselves to others. Oh how this proces can be deceiving!

For example looking at the subject of relationships. How many times have I heard people saying: "My girlfriend/wife has cheated on me, so now I don't trust any woman and don't ever want to be in a relationship anymore. It is better just to fool around with women so I can't be hurt anymore". This is a 'natural' response when something bad had happened to us.

People who have been hurt tend to hurt other people, often even without having the intention to hurt them. There are many examples in all the aspects of life which can be used as an example.

What I believe to have learned from this, is as long as we let our behaviour be dominated/influenced by how we have been treated in our lives by other people, there is no way up but only down. This mechanism destroys not only ourselves but takes everyone around us with it. So instead of letting the way we have been treated be the measurement of how we behave, wouldnt it be so much better to treat people the way God treats us? Even if it may be hard to figure out what this really means. Walking in the process of trying to figure it out is always going to be better than walking the way we used to do. I guess this has alot to do with real LOVE...?



Great post!

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