For the first time in a very long time, I am single on Valentines Day, and I've only one thing to say about it ... Halleluyah.
Seriously. I am happy to be single this saint's day. Some would call me crazy.
But, I call it content. Perfectly content.
And, content is a good place to be.
"I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want." Phillipians 4:12
That says it all. I have had plenty in my life and I have had times of need. I thank the Lord for both. They key is to be content in all situations.
Peaceful. Satisfied. Less Bitter. Content. Those are good words.
I'll leave you this Valentines Day with an important message by TD Jakes for any and all who are suffering their singleness this season. Suffer no more:
"Wash your hands. Do your dance and move on. I've got the gift of goodbye..."
"It's not that I'm hateful. It's that I am faithful."
My destiny is tied to a greater Him.
Happy St. Valentines Day, all
Be my valentine, haha
Ha ha. I bet you say that to all the minnows ;)
We're all minnows, bar a few
Good one, a very different perspective to Valentines...

Cheers and have a blessed St. Valentines :)
Stay Free....
Thank you! Blessings and Happy Valentines Day!