The Boundaries in LOVING

in #love7 years ago

Family Status: When I checked her profile, I saw her parent pictures and work details. They own different certificates of which my parent had none. I could tell she is of a high class. I thought of this and came to a conclusion of not falling in love with a girl whose parent are high classed. Can you?

Self Defeat: When I saw her at first, I knew she was not meant for me. Her beauty surpassed mine. I Knew I wasn't fit so I did'nt bother trying.

Shyness: I had several of her pictures though we've not spoken before. yes! I invaded her privacy; I stole her pictures online because I could no longer take it, I could not stop thinking of her every minute. I was secretly in love with her but could do nothing.

Space: Now I developed the courage to express my feelings but I had few days left; I had to return home to my parent in a few days. So I wondered the essence of expressing feelings that will end on a short-while relationship. what's the essence? I wondered...

Enemy of oneself: This part makes me wanna cry every time I remember. Though she is high classed and I wasn't bold enough but anytime she came closer to me, I would always find an excuse to leave wherever she was. I became the enemy of myself. why? who knows?

Imaginations: As I said earlier, I could not stop thinking of her every minute and imagining things that would never happen if I don't take a step forward. Right now, I'm still thinking of her even though I know she can't be mine.

  Sometimes i wonder how people get into a relationship. Could they have gone through what I am going through? or could they not have gone through these things?

I really wish she could see this post to know how deep my feelings for her is...I really wished. I will be leaving in three days and still haven't spoken a word to her. 
    Love does not really work the way the Hollywood movies explain; she should have just come to me and we'll have a little chat and then in for a relationship but NO! it doesn't work like that...............................I just hope she finds out one day.....maybe then we'll just be friends...yea normal friendship.
