in #love6 years ago

And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. — Matthew 24:12 (KJV)


The love for God which manifest through our service to God and fellow humans have been greatly abused or misunderstood.In the words of Christ,it's as a result of d abundance of iniquity. People have mistaken genuine love most times to mean an advance for a desire for relationship or invitation for erotic intimacy. This is because that's wats easily practised in our generation today. But do we stop loving genuinely and sit back to judge them?
A thousand times NO, it's time to love more n conquer the world system with the love of Christ. There's no other way to win the world except love, cuz they will know us by a style of love that seek not for benefits. Jesus said, By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another. — John 13:35 (KJV).
Keep loving, though u aren't loved back.
Keep giving, even wen u r not appreciated.
Keep encouraging,even wen u aren't motivated.
Keep preaching, even wen u haven't seen d difference.
The outcome isn't in our hands,but the task is. Be a Christ -like lover today and never allow iniquity to quench the fire of Christ's love in you. If need be, repent and go back to your first love in Christ. God's strength is sufficient upon you. Amen.


Love would definitely lead the way