Happy Anniversary Angela! | 10 years down, forever to go.

in #love7 years ago (edited)


Today is the 10th anniversary of my marriage

She has been a blessing upon my world in ways that I cannot explain and I feel truly in ways I do not yet fully understand. I love each day with this woman, yes we fight, yes I fail her and she me, but I love her with everything I am, but nevertheless I long for the day we are beyond this life with God in Heaven, so because I imagine only there, where "love" is fully known, outside this fallen world, can I then truly understand the depth of this woman's value, my heart for her, and hers for me.

I feel as though we have grown up together, it feels we have been together forever, and yet for no time at all.

Our Engagement Photos, March 2008:


Two months before our Wedding, June 2008:


We have done so much, seen so much, had so much fun and survived so much turmoil. We have argued bitterly, we have forgiven sincerely, and we have worked very hard daily to love and serve one another.

It is through this woman I found Christ, and it is through the children she has given me I have been brought closer to Jesus.

Ten years ago today we began a journey with more twists and turns than a roller coaster, and twice as much fun. I am so glad I met this woman, and I hope and pray that the next ten years are spent hand in hand, struggling and succeeding as a partnership, friendship and couple. She is my only other, my lovely love, my main squeeze and my only squeeze.

Thank you Lord for this woman. She pushes me, sometimes squeezes me, and each pressure point is a gift of your loving hand, through her life and into my heart. Thank you Lord.

Our Wedding Day: August 8, 2008:


Thank you Angela for all that you do. Thank you for being a wonderful mother to my babies, and a beautiful, honest, gracious and merciful wife. I love you. I need you. I promise to do my best to be the man you need, more today yesterday, and more tomorrow than today, until the day I die, I will make mistakes but with God's help I will humbly pick myself, apologize and work and grow still more.

Our Family @ Canuck Place Abbotsford, 2016:

family portrait 2.jpg

In Mere Christianity C.S. Lewis describes the knowledge we have of our loved ones as being greater in heaven than on Earth, that we will not be held by back sin, or language, restrained by self-doubt and pride, capable and willing for the first time to really share our deepest feelings, in clarity, unobscured by vulnerability, and in that moment, we will truly know each other.

I long to share that with my wife... one day thanks to Jesus, we will have that.

Until then, Lord help me to celebrate and honour your daughter, my wife, mother of my two children and my best friend, in everyway and with every moment. I need your help Lord. In Jesus name, amen.

Here is a poem I wrote my wife for our 1st anniversary, I share it here to commemorate and

To my wife:

One year has past faster than I would wish one day
Faster than I would one minute, or one second
Truth be told I would be happiest were time to still
Were tonight's sun never to set, nor moon rise
So long as in that forever there were you.

That i might look upon your love for me, and feel mine for you
would be to capture the joy of a moment and be wrapped in it;
Life is beauty, yet my eyes would gladly gaze not beyond yourown
If only our eyes could meet and play, as eyes can, without interuption.
If my eyes were to so fortunate then damn the world and life beyond
Small sacrafice for such genuine wonder.

But alas moments defy desire and resist capture
they flow beyond faster than river water over river bed.
One year has past so fast, life does past so fast.
Help me bend the will of a moment so we might hold each shared together longer than the moment would allow,
Help me push all moments we share not till again we share and then hold firm.

Life with you is wonderful and merits well more savor than time will allow.

With love Dwayne,

Happy Anniversary, my dear.


As always, thank you kindly for your time and attention, may this day be filled with special joys and great love for you also. God bless you and yours.



Woow did not know you in the first photos friend, I think that by the hairstyle they look very handsome a wonderful union and for life, it reflects a lot of love in the photographs.

Thanks as always Yosicrespo. Yep my wife and I were very young when we met. Much time has passed, but she is still so very beautiful.

If I see them very young and if very beautiful.

What elegance very beautiful your wardrobe and I really like the shape and background of the photo really very good taste.

Thank you. Our photographers did a great job.

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