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RE: Announcing the WINNERS! "How We Met" Contest

in #love7 years ago

Thank you so much for appreciating our story. I loved writing and sharing it with you all. And a huge thanks to @byn and her awesome partner @serapium for putting the contest out there for us. Side note how do I become involved in steemitbloggers?


It's closed to the public at the moment... but I think they're going to open it up again soon. The owner is trying to keep it to a smaller group for better support. Let me ask on the discord.

Thanks that would be awesome, I like the smaller group idea. I like to consider myself a blogger lol and would like find ways to use steemit more.

If you aren't on the teamgirlpowa yet, that is a group I recently joined that appears to be incredibly supportive and awesome.

thanks have joined Will wait to hear from them.