Vs1 I am sacrifice, I only answer to those who are selfless
Vs2 I am a gift, you can not profess me and not be open handed
Vs3 I am humble, pride has no place in me
Vs4 I am far from you because you think i don't listen, you speak less and expect that i should magically know what u want out of the relationship
Vs5 You profess me with your lips but your heart is far from me
Vs6 I am hard working, I do not laze around waiting for better days to come..I make them happen
Vs7 I often come under disguise, you only realize it was I just after you've lost me all because you never paid attention
Vs8 I am perseverance, you hardly find me when things look too good to be true, but I am he who stays when your feelings for the other person is soar and you feel like throwing in the towel.