Tattoo for couples: is it a good idea?

in #love8 years ago

There are moments in life that love overflows and it all seems to make sense. It's that magical moment in which life seems to need nothing but the loved one. It is also during these times that often arise that ideal of getting a tattoo for couples. But is it a good idea?

Embedded in a love that does not seem to end, the pair choose a tattoo artist and there will leave registered in the body the feeling that unites them. Neither thinks that one day routine, tiredness or natural life changes can to end the relationship. That is, it think twice before making a decision.

The important thing is that the tattoo has a special meaning for both.

Pros and cons of tattooing for couples

It is difficult to predict what the future may hold a couple. There are those who die in love in one day and then not want to even see the beloved in front of him. Others end in a friendly way or not discover how was the end of the relationship.

Therefore, there is no answer if it is correct or not getting a tattoo for couples. Perhaps there is some caution not to tattoo the entire body with the name of your love. How would you handle this if your relationship ended? Answer this question closely and makes its decision.

If you are in doubt, it is worth talking to your partner and ask for a little more time to make the decision. After all, this is not the only way to demonstrate all the love that exists between the two. Be creative and sincere

Divided symbols and phrases in two bodies

Tattoo for couples can be loving, fun, strong and symbolic. If both are already decided, choose something that has a special meaning. The trick is to escape the ordinary and think beyond the idea of writing the name of another skin.

pieces of music can be tattooed on each member of the pair. When side by side, the phrase of the song appears whole. But of course you can come up with something very intimate history of the couple and let the moment even more special.

There are those who do tattoo for couples with cartoon symbols, as Olivia and Popeye, Mickey and Minnie, Homer and Marge Simpson, is only releasing creativity. The important check and the studio where art will be made. Certify that the company is legal and follows the hygiene rules for the procedure.

The materials must be sterilized. Search the Internet comments from other users on the chosen tattoo artists. After that parade around all this love that no longer fits or in itself.

And then you decided to get a tattoo for couples?