The Answer is Always Love.

in #love7 years ago

There are so many dark moments in life that we don't seem to find what is worth living for, or what is worth dying for. I think without exceptions, we are all have been there at some point of our lives and we still keep living the best way we can.

But where do we find the strength to keep going?


It is an easy answer, but for some reason it is hard to open our eyes and realize that we have everything we need in the LOVE that is inside of us. LOVE is the most powerful vibration and feeling that exist in the universe and our planet. With LOVE everything is possible if we keep practicing that feeling everyday.

With LOVE we are able to overcome the darkness anywhere we go, and move forward to the next experience. This is why it is essential to love yourself, because if you don't, it will be harder and more painful than ever.

Love yourself, like if there is no tomorrow. Many blessings to all.

"Build for the future, and forget about the past"
"Your kindness will always return to you in any way, shape or form"
"If you want to get an education, just travel the world"
"Beautiful things in life are beautiful, because they were hard to achieve"
"Love everybody the same way you love yourself. If you don't love yourself, you have no one to love".
"You change the world by changing yourself and providing a little bit of kindness everyday".
"Never look down on someone, unless you are helping them up"
"Take care of your body, so your body takes care of you".
"You can't give others what you don't have; If you do, your're giving part of yourself".

Stay blessed.

There are 2 pages

Definitely my love friend gives a strong charge to continue the work generates positive force

very nice!

Love is every thing dear because love can hide darkness . Love is life . Love mean not only your girl friend include your parents sisters and brothers friends and wiefe and daughter . You can share whith them your darkness

Love is meant for everyone my friend, no exceptions :)

that's right love is always the answer of many questions and i believe love can change anything no matter how hard it's looks or be there is always possibility for love and effection which can melt every person @javybar

There is always a chance of love my friend. It may not be all the time, but there will be most of them. :)

yap you are right☺

great post. loved is the amazing words love is the most powerful things of human life. love heart. thanks for share. have a nice day.

I'm completely agree with you @javybar. If we need to win darkness definitely want to find love. But firstly need to love ourselves then we can love others and then build up great relationships. without loving ourselves I can't believe we love another.

That's rule #1 my friend, for yourself first in order to love others. Thank you :)

Yeah...Mistakenly typed wrong. Thanks for correct me @javybar.

Buenos dias javybar, el amor , una palabra que lo encierra todo, cuando te amas a ti mismo , irradias felicidad y sobretodo seguridad, esta es basica en todo lo que hagamos.
El amor a un hijo es incondicional, el amor a una persona es relativo ,el amor a tus amigos es relevante y el amor a tu pareja es intenso y pasional.
Feliz dia :)

wow Se ve que tiene mucha experiencia porque lo que acaba de describir es mucha experiencia que no se obtiene que se obtiene con experiencias. Gracias por dejarme aprender de ud tambien.

Sometimes the seasons of life are relentless, and we have to face challenges each day without a break for a long time. And your soul gets to the point of longing for rest, for escape. You feel weary, you feel weak, you feel worn. Sometimes it's one big thing looming above your life that feels like an immovable weight that's too big for you.Think what's correct way we want to go? Love..... Listen your lovely wife, parents, children lovely word. You feel much relaxation that time. So love is a valuable thing & world around the society. Can do everything for love.

Excellent post friend and i believe that love is not something that we do; love is how we are and we all need to adopt love cause it's great course and we should see great results soon, thanks for sharing your nice thoughts with us friend, Stay blessed

the more your practice it, the better my friend. Thank you.

@javybar, Absolutely brilliant motivation quote indeed awesome post. Yep. We all need love keep going our life journey. Basically our childhood got parents love. Parents love being valuable one coz it gives long opportunity to build greatest human to society. I’ve realized that sometimes the love we have for other people, particularly for our children, can give us the motivation to start on the journey even when we are lacking the love to do it for ourselves. Following a path of personal development isn’t easy. Oh, it’s rewarding and can be life changing but it can also be confusing, challenging, and scary. In fact love giving huge task to us for provide our life success.

love is the most powerfull things of human life.its very important of human. .we need love ourselves because it is a our strength..if you love yourself then you don’t have any negative thoughts. thanks for ur good thoughts creativity..@javybar dear

Well said @timuann. I totally agree with you and good point you show up.

yea,, its my pleasure @madushanka

very true. the love to children can enhance your life journey 100%, thanks

yeah,dear i am agree with your great words.@javybar friend

Love is essential for life. Love in human life is very important. Just say love is not the love of girlfriends. This may be the love of every child's parents. Love for siblings Friend's love for a friend So love is really needed for human life.

love is needed for human life, that's very true. thanks :) I started following you :)

welcome sir

Because love is the greatest power in this world, and is owned by everyone ..

Sounds so good. Wishing everyone could apply it like that :)

Love is a feeling that can spark every human spirit because for love, humans will be able to do anything ..

Love is a great strength my friend, it helps every human being out there in everyday life. Thank you for your contribution. :)

Love is one of the best solution to make a relation strong and powerful, you are truly said if love is in everything, then life is more beautiful :)

Very true my friend. That's the end goal for all of us :)

Simly love is life and every thing is in love
A great words and i strongly agree with you and the maain thing is that you explain it very well no doubt you always come with great thoughts

Thank you very much. I appreciate your kind words. It takes the right words to get the message across and I'm glad it is taking some impact in many. Thank you :)

I really agree with you @ javybar love is the most valuable thing in one's life because with love it all things very difficult to face so easy and happy, everyone needs love in his life either love to family or even her lovers heart.

Totally agree with you my friend :)

A wonderful message. Love for oneself is a natural and joyful concern for oneself, for one's body, mind, soul and spirit. If a person thinks about and cares about others, then his love for himself and himself is not connected with egoism, for him it is easy and it is natural to love yourself and others. Forces for this are quite enough. He who loves himself for a long time and naturally does not devote too much time to this, as well as a good gardener, a well-groomed garden does not require too much trouble. Take care of yourself healthy and vigorous person - it's easy. The main thing is to start loving yourself. And then you will roll mountainsThanks for sharing your love message:)

The love in ourselves is key for our everyday life my friend. Thank you for your wise words. :)

1/ With love
A man is lost in negligence, and in love he dreams from a lost life, wants to live a new life.
So there is no comparison of love. . Love is a very valuable things. .Again a Wonderful post. Absolutely brilliant dear @javybar Love is very important in our lives. Humans can be changed in 2 ways. .

Thanks for share a wonderful post dear. . Stay Blessed

Thank you for your great contribution. :)

great motivational quote love is the only word that is more powerfull in the world with love we overcome the dark its right

Thank you :)

awesome post. you have concentrated on the significance of affection in once my perspective love is the piece of soul.most individuals surmise that it is simply between a kid and young lady yet it may be between everything. cherish needs forfeits so on the off chance that you forfeit yourself for others, at that point you will be the saint in your society.thanks for sharing.

thank you very much for your input. The view of the soul is very interesting,. Thank you :)

Love is fundamental forever. Love in human life is imperative. Simply say love isn't the adoration for lady friends. This might be the affection for each tyke's folks. Love for kin Friend's affection for a companion So adore is extremely required for human life.

thank you for your contribution :)

Great post..Loved the amazing words and yes my friend that are the four question and their answer is love..Now days people is only between girls and boy but it can be between anyone..Love is feeling of affection..Glad to see it.@javybar

yes, love is more than that. Glad you get to realize. Thank you :)

When we Love, What we Have So we Have everyThing We Need.
Love is too ironic, it takes sadness to know what happiness is and absence to value presence.
Thank you @javybar for your kind and loving words

it takes sadness to know what happiness is and absence to value presence? That was awesome, putting that on my notes my friend. Thank you.

Glad that know That you like My wordsYou are welcome #javy

Oh yes i do :)

I really agree with you @ javybar, love is a very big power that must be possessed by everyone because only with love all the problems are so heavy can be very easy to face, with love that can unite the feelings of hate into a feeling full of affection .

Very true! Hate goes away once you practice love the best you can, thank you very much.

yeah,love is valuable power in our life.because a man not live perfectly without a man every situation right road driving helped doing.If you don't love yourself, you have no one to love".its truth point.every work doing possible is love.i am really impressive your good post.keep it up friend.i am waiting your upcoming post on your blog.thank u very much for your good post sharing.. dear friend@javybar

thank you my friend for your lovely opinion, :)

thanks dear,its my pleasure friend@javybar

Totally agree with you, my friend, love is a feeling that can move mountains and pass any obstacles on our way. To love oneself does not mean to consider oneself superior to others, to love oneself means to respect yourself as a person able to reach the top, regardless of the difficulties! Thank you @javybar

totally agree with you on that :)

There are some moments in life when we are depressed and feel losted then all we need is love and someone to understand you... when all world against you but the one who love you is enough for you ... it's love which is feeling but mean world to you @javybar

beautiful words!

In the end all we are left with is love....
Love is the purpose for creation:)

It is very touching advice @javybar. I agree with you. really love has a tremendous power. love can turn bad people into good. live with love and affection for others.

excellent your post Thanks for sharing ..the biggest inspiration that drives us towards our sucess, keep sharing such posts,

I will always love "U" if I should stay
I would only be in your way so I'll go
But I know I'll think of "U"
Every steps of the way
Bitter sweet memories
That is all I'm taking with me

So goodbye, please don't cry
we both know I'm not what "U" need
And I hope life treats you kind
And I hope "U" have all "U" dreamed off
And I wish to "U" joy and happiness
But above all this I wish to "U" love

I agree with you @javybar the most powerful things is love..we need love ourselves because it is a our strength..if you love yourself then you don’t have any negative thoughts.

Great post.i appreciate your Every post.
Thanks for sharing this post.... resteemit

great post. you have focused on the importance of love in once my point of view love is the part of soul.most people think that it is just between a boy and girl but it might be between every thing. love needs sacrifices so if you sacrifice yourself for others then you will be the hero in your society.thanks for sharing.

Very awesome post about love .you are right dear is more powerful feeling that exsit in universe .love is inner feeling .when you feel this feeling your mood are good and fresh every thing beautiful you feel...with love every thing is possible if we wanted...some time we are upset and we feel losted . Then we need love and anyone who understand us thnks sharing for this beautiful post

cherish is all the more intense to live on the planet . Since affection make a subjugation with father mother sister , spouse and so forth and so forth. So we can't want to abandon them. It is reality. Thank you@javybar for your great post.

I love this quato, thanks for sharing.johnny deep has always been one of my favorite actor.its very true that the only thinv worth living for and dying for is love ,without love our life will be empty and meaningless.hatred can take but never give but love can break any and every bounds. Thanks for sharing.

I am very impressed with your post, talking about love we have to start by loving ourselves, family, people closest and even people we love that our opposite sex is the happiest thing in life, because only with love we are able to share all the likes and sorrow with them all begins with love. Things that are very difficult though we can pass easily because of the love that is in us

Great post.i appreciate your Every post.
Thanks for sharing this post...@javybar

Wow what an amazing post with great meaning..Yes you are right that love is the answer to all question in life.. As you said that love is the most powerful vibration and feeling that exist in the universe and our planet..Thanks for sharing it with us..@javybar

Another good quato,i love it. Those things or people which are worth living for are also worth dying for and vice versa and they are worth that much because of love as love can overpower any other feel such as greed,anger etc.thanks for posting this @javybar.

Really true can change your self then everybody will love you..thanks for motivating post @jabybar

That’s really inspiring post are right the more powerful things in the world is love, so love yourself .

Love is a big thing to be expected from everyone and only a very very few people in your life would love you enough to die or live for you for example parents. So,we need to love ourselves and try to love others,if we’d love ownself then we might be able to love others as what you are is reflected on others.

expertise and acceptance is the solution to the whole lot. Love is a bonus.
The reason why there is racism is due to the lack of understanding. They were knowledgeable and conditioned in a lopsided international view.

a post that always makes my heart tremble when reading it, loving yourself is the first step that must be done so that others can love us, not everyone can love sincerely but rest assured love can make the darkness becomes a very bright thing. thanks @javybar I was very impressed.

well absoltuly right and it always be the same love love is athing love is afeeling love is that powrful wopeaon which is the best answer of every question and perfect solution of every question!

love is a spritual fact.
love is the greatest medicine for ever.

Yes love is more powerful to live in the world . Because love create a bondage with father mother sister , wife and etc etc. So we can't desire to leave them. It is reality. Thank you@javybar for your excellent post.

Love makes us pure and holy.We can not live without love.LOVE less life is boring.We live for love.we are happy for love.

We do our all works for love.........

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