“Gratitude is the healthiest of all human emotions. The more you express gratitude for what you have, the more likely you will have even more to express gratitude for.”
Zig Ziglar
Last week as my family and I sat down to enjoy our Thanksgiving dinner, we first took a moment to say thank you and acknowledge our gratitude. It was a touching, yet emotional time. Not only did we express gratitude for our blessings that day but we also acknowledged our loved ones who were no longer with us and thanked God for the time we did have with them.
thankyouIt was beautiful and transforming as it really helped to shift the attention in the room. In that moment, we were reminded of the importance of focusing on our blessings rather than our misgivings and hardships.
Two words, “thank you,” have the power to create stronger, lasting bonds. These two words have the power to make people feel appreciated and work harder. They have the power to increase our joy and happiness. Yet, these two words are largely underutilized.
I once sent a gift to a friend. Afterwards, as time went by, I never heard from her. Not a simple text; not an email or a thank you card. Nothing. To me, right or wrong, this sent a message that my gift was underappreciated. This may not have been the case, of course, but I wouldn’t have known. Unfortunately, some people fail to see the benefits of these two simple, yet powerful words.
Gratitude is essential for healthy, long-term relationships—both personal and professional. In fact, studies show that the number one reason people leave their job is because they feel underappreciated. You would automatically think it would be to earn more money but this isn’t the case. A little show of gratitude can make a big difference to a company’s bottom line.
The benefits of showing thankfulness are endless. Here are just a few:
Not surprisingly, people who focus on gratitude, live happier, more fulfilling lives. When people feel appreciated, negative emotions like anger, frustration and jealousy diminish. They also have a higher level of self-esteem.
In addition to improving mental health, feelings of gratitude also improve our physical health. People who feel appreciated have stronger immune systems and live healthier, longer lives.
Those who feel appreciated are more willing to be of service to others. They are not as materialistic and see the value of the simple things in life.
Grateful people are naturally more optimistic and have a greater capacity to forgive others.
Simply put, feelings of appreciation lead to positive thinking and positive thinking leads to positive action. Positive thinking hence leads to a more positive, fulfilling life.
However, don’t say thank you if you are not sincere. Say thank you when you truly mean to say thank you. Your insincerity will only show if you don’t really mean it.
Also, don’t sweeten the deal with a promise you can’t keep. People sometimes offer things that they have no intention of giving. For example, if you say thank you to someone and also offer to follow up with a dinner, do just that. Don’t offer things you can’t give or make promises you can’t keep.