In this post I do not want to stand out, nor win votes, I only do it so that the world gets closer to me, it has made me the happiest man in the world, she is my unconditional friend, my confidante and my complement, this 21 May was 28 years old. and I arranged for a different day to happen.

As you know in Venezuela the situation does not allow us to be able to make exuberant gifts, that brings as a consequence that we have to invent with what little we have. I set out to make a detail to surprise her. Last week it was Mother's Day and I gave her a rose. a detail that seems corny but that detail represents a lot in the relationship, and well, that woman does not like to be given a rose.

going back to the topic. I am in a difficult situation and I only had less than half of the fortnight. Thank God and my children that I was planning to do. several ideas arose, the first was cooking a dinner to enjoy as a couple both at home, but now it was at zero and made food for the most evil man in the world. the second was to make a simple cake. Hey, what's wrong with cooking? But I thought, how hard would it be to make a cake. Well, without further ado, we got down to work. videos we thickened to see in youtube on how to make a cake. and after seeing more than 20 videos, we look for the materials and weigh with the preparation. that it seemed that we were in the friend program. When I see that my children work as a team to carry out this surprise to their mother, I do not stay in anything else that we would like a great job.

the preparation was a success!
just missing the gift.