What is true Love? I saw this on Facebook today and I thought, Yep! That’s it!!
Today’s society wants us to believe that if our relationships are not satisfying to us that it’s okay to leave and “try on” the next one.
I was raised being taught that you find someone you love and then you make the choice to stay because you make a commitment to that person and your word is as good as a contract.
I do believe if the relationship is abusive that you should do what you need to get out of that situation and change your life. But for those relationships with just a lot of little stuff that bugs us, I don’t believe that is how we should feel or that we should leave. I believe that it all starts with being thoughtful about who we commit to and how we go about building relationships.
Build a good foundation and the house will probably stand for a really long time!
And yes, both my dad and husband fart often … and they are both good men. So I put up with a little bit of farting because, face it, we all do it! Oopsie!
A good movie that centers on this very topic is called, “Fireproof. Never leave your partner behind.”
It’s a must watch movie!