You waltzed in, swept me off my feet, wined and dined me, and rocked my world. It was a crazy whirlwind that seemed too good to be true. And it was. It was good and bad, passionate and rocky, full of chemistry and full of misery. The truth came out, the lies and secrets surfaced. You weren’t who I thought you were. You only loved yourself. And I never really loved you - not the real you. I loved the idea of you and the good, and the passion, and the chemistry. But not the bad, and the rocky, and the misery. And definitely not the pain and heartache. And when the truth finally reared it’s ugly head, I realized you were never worthy of my love. The signs were always there but I chose to ignore them. But I now see you for who you really are and know you were never really meant for me and what we shared wasn’t really love.