Am I Having a Mid-Life Crisis? Fake Friends and Fashion...

in #love7 years ago

Am I having a mid-life crisis? Fake Friends and Fashion...

Since becoming a housewife (and getting older) I seem to have stopped caring about what other people think of me. I don’t mean in a nasty way, I never go out of my way to hurt someone or disparage them, but I am more comfortable in my own skin and if someone belittles me for how I look or takes advantage of my kindness, I just simply cut them out of my life without a second thought.

A year ago, I had quite a decent sized group of friends that I would have done anything for, and regularly did. After I was injured in a car accident, it became apparent that I was no longer useful to them and they soon disappeared. Were they true friends? I think not! As I look back now, I recall so many times that they actually belittled me in public about the way I dressed or my hairstyle etc and I just took it all without saying a word because I thought they were my friends, and it was only banter, right?

Coincidentally, the other day one of these so called ‘friends’ contacted me the day before my birthday (it has been almost 8 months). Before I opened the text, I thought to myself, maybe I have been too quick to judge them and perhaps they were contacting me to wish me a happy birthday. After opening the text, I realised that no, I had been right all along! She was only contacting me to ask me to do something for her. So selfish...

Friends right now...well that is a tough one. I have woken up to being used, my circle is even smaller than before, I don’t go out socializing as much and I prefer to stay home with my hubby, my son and my dogs. I have a couple (literally a couple) of people that I trust, and that is it!

So... Is it just the friends department that has changed? Nope, also the wardrobe department...

I went shopping with the Hubster for some new clothes the other day as I didn’t have any ‘cold weather’ stuff to wear, but as I trawled the shops, I found that I didn’t like anything that was available in the shops!

Is it that I am unfashionable, getting old or is it that the world has gone crazy and fashion is bonkers? Who knows! Anyway, I decided that I would just buy a new pair of jeans, a couple of warm jumpers and some fluffy socks :) I also bought some PJ bottoms just because they looked like they would be great to lounge about in at night with my new fluffy socks!

I really don’t feel the need to fit in anymore. I just want to feel warm, comfy, safe and loved by the people who matter. I think I am gradually turning into the crazy wait...crazy dog lady!