Wow this is awesome and wonderful. I have been a relationship expert for long but this have not come to mind
The significance of bathing with your spouse cannot be overlooked. It’s a very intimate activity that benefits couples—whether you’ve been together 20 years or two months.
Yes this will really have a long way to go on reviving a dead relationship and marriage. I watched the video to the end you really share a vital information here thanks allot.
I am also a relationship expert you can check on me if you have time thanks.
Thank you, this means a lot to have caught the attention of an expert. I will certainly take a look at your work.
I was just speaking my personal truth in the hopes that it could help others. (^_^)
Yes what you said is really awesome and good I think it's what I will use in my next presentation here in Nigeria, because I will be having lecturers tomorrow on relationship matters
I am honored!