Hi steemians friends, are you a tea lover? I have lots of tea collections that I can't even decide which tea to brew. So far, the only tea I love is the one on the picture below. Not only is it beautiful to look at, it also has the best aroma from the flowers. This green tea is super good, it's heavenly.
Flowering Tea Ball 'Jasmine Silver Needle & Amaranth Flower
The most beautiful tea I ever had, from the look to the taste.
It was my husband who found this tea online while he was researching something else and saw this interesting tea that looks just like a ball and also quite a bit expensive for $1/ball. But I fell in love ever since.
It's very easy to brew, simply untie and drop it to the glass then pour some boiled water.
Rose Tea With Tons Of Benefits
Rose Tea is the second one of my favorite tea, I usually mix it with some green tea leaves and good to refresh my day.
These are some benefits of rose tea:
Makes your skin looks young and healthy because of antioxidant, Vit A, C, E and K
Immune system booster
Relieve menstrual pain
Helping with sore throat, etc.
But the most wonderful one some says, helping to lose weight.
I'm not sure if it helps with losing weight. It can be if we drink regularly with certain amount, imo. I drink because I love the smell, and try to add some of them in your bath!
Bamboo Leaves Tea
Bamboo leaves tea has a unique and wonderful smell, also slightly sweet, I drink bamboo leaves tea to help with massive hair lost after I gave birth to Adam.
Do you know one of the ingredients is what Malaysians make in a burger bun is "Charcoal Bamboo"? Just like Japanese use a squid ink, but it makes sense since a bamboo tea (not bamboo leaves tea) contains tons of benefits especially for men.
Chinese Ginseng Tea
I think everyone knows about ginseng, from the price to the taste. Our family is a huge fan of ginseng. I make soup from it, make tea, mix it to the rice when I cook rice and I even grab few slices and just chew it while driving when I'm a little sleepy.
Unless I feel my blood pressure a little bit down and I'll stop consuming, since ginseng is a good to treat high blood pressure.
Korean Red Ginseng Tea
It's a paste already made, we just add it to a cup of warm water, mix it and ready to drink. I'm not a fan of this one, my husband is. I'm taking the packaged tonic one every morning after breakfast or before breakfast.
Adam is taking one kid package every morning after breakfast, it really helps him to stay focus at school. I mean, not really focus like other normal kid, but we barely read any notes from the teacher that Adam was so cranky today, won't do his work today, lay down a lot today or cry on and off today.
I'm glad that this Korean red ginseng is working for Adam, we always got positive feed back from the teacher and everyday note Is "Adam has wonderful day"
Chinese Green Tea
It was a gift from my friend who is living in Hong Kong, she said she got it from Peninsula Hotel. This green tea is awesome one, I use to mix with some rose tea and it's really great. It's a very pleasant feeling also if we follow the rules of how to brew tea the right way, which is quite unique and very formal.
A lot of many different kind of Chinese tea, such as oolong tea, puer tea, jasmine tea, dark tea, white tea, red tea etc, but so far I only like green tea, jasmine tea white tea.
Japanese Green Tea "Macha"
I and my husband went the Japanese event festival a few years ago and we talked to one Japanese lady there and she told me that her grandma is almost 100 years old. I asked her what is the secret to be healthy, especially when we get old and she said, "Maybe because we drink green tea a lot and eat seaweed a lot too".
When we got home, my husband did some research about what that lady mentioned and It makes sense since we all know the benefits of green tea and that seaweed is good for us.
In the end, of course we have to balance what we put in our body. No one know what we feel, only ourselves!
Wow...these tea it’s so beautiful, I Can’t believe it the flowers came out like that. So pretty.
I loves tea. Thanks for sharing!!!!!!!
Yeah so cute, I call it a submarine tea!
Many good wishes for grandma, good days. I like Chinese Ginseng Tea.I wish you many good wishes for you, you are looking for your success #Adam.
Thanks a lot. Yes I am, Adam is my goal!
welcome dear @lugina!!! Look at what can be right and accurate. Many wish you good luck
Upvote and resteem
If you have time, please visit my blogVery good @lugina
Sure, you bet!
Wow... your collection tea is one lover with me..
I like it your collection tea..
Thanks for your shared...
Success is your @lugina...
Y'r welcome
I love the tea, every morning I drink tea ,, aroma tea very interesting. posts good. if there is a visit my blog thank you.
Sure ..
tea is very good also for health, I really like jasmine tea and green tea. Thank you @lugina.
That's of my favorite too..
your post is good @ lugina, i also like to drink tea, thank you for sharing information about tea, i have a new post, please support me, regards from @ riska-amanda
Sure, I'll be there anytime soon.
good post friends, i also like tea
Beautiful very nice
Hehe thanks @lugina :)
Nice Collection of tea power.such an awesome research.we cant find this anywhere.thanks for your kind heart for sharing this awesome content.
Sure, thanks for passing by!
we have the same favorites.
I like your post
Yes you are welcome
cooked aja regular tea in drinking, I like to drink tea too, a good post friends.
Very beautiful l love tea very good
Together @lugina very nice l love teah :)
good tea for sure, and good medicine for health, thanks for sharing your friends @lugina, @jhoni have follow and votes, for so on.
You are truly extraordinary and different from everyone else you have a great collection of teas all of which are quality tea and guaranteed quality.Hi my friends @lugina.
I am a tea lover every day I drink tea in the morning and evening despite busy, I am sure I try to keep drinking tea at least once a day.
I like green because it tastes better. I also like rose tea because it has its own distinctive taste and I also like deh ginseng because it contains benefits in the form of vitamins and mineral substances that are important for the health of the body.
Thank you very much my friend @lugina you have various information about the types of tea I have never known before. A very valuable information for me.
I wish you success and success in every plan and aspiration.
Warm regard.
I am @rijalaronaceh
Hi @rijalaronaceh, success to you as well ..
okay my friends @lugina thank you so much you have replied to my comment. I am very happy to be able to communicate with you and know you .. I really respect and appreciate you. thank you very much for everything .. May we be good friends. greet my respect to you.
I read every comments even I didn't reply but sometimes I'm busy like crazy. Having a special need kid is really draining my energy that needs time to recharge my mind.
Thank you so much for your support!
Oh my god.. my friends @lugina . Thanks you very much.. so good you are..
You've helped me so much .. so I do have to support you.
Oh yes .. I am very happy to see you as a mother who is very dear to the child. You are great and managed to guide and guard your family.
I really understand your busy life because I have also felt busy because I also have a baby boy who is still very funny and I also have a job as a teacher.
So I am very grateful because you still have time to reply to my comments and I really understand you when you are very busy and I support your activities.
For all of us families are the main family and children is something that we need to take care of more than anything else.
Thank you very much for good communication with me regards to your son adam. Hopefully adam healthy always and grow flourish perfectly.
Oh ya.. i am so sorry if my English language still bad..hehe..
I wish blessing god for you and your family always..
Thanks you a lot for All.
Your best friends @rijalaronaceh .
I am also tea lover my friend @lugina, every morning i drink tea, i like green tea, thanks for your sharing usefull and informative post to us, i like it and upvote and resteem your post to more than 1150 my follower, greeting friendship from me @abialfatih in aceh indonesia
Awesome, thanks. Cheers to you too!
i like green tea. but if I drink from my spices, I do not like it because it tastes bland and bitter. For medicine alone I can not drink. @lugina
Same thing with coffee or chocolate, why don't you add some honey with lemon, taste better already!
it's a good drink in a warm drink. i like pseudo type of tea. @lugina
Yup, it sure is.
Sorry if I interrupt your convenience,
You are my inspiration.
I believe you are a good person who will help schoolchildren and starving children,
Last year my friend and I created a community of Charity For Children of the World Generation, which is engaged in social education for children and hunger in order to keep learning for the future,
I have posted on my blog about the Charity For Childrens Community of the World's Generation community. In that post I mentioned your name as my motivator,
If you do not mind, you can appreciate my block for suggestions and feedback so that the Charitable Generation community for Children of the World Generation can continue to help the children.
You are my inspiration.
hopefully you can judge my writing and advise me to keep walking and more children saved from ignorance. I want you to be my teacher.
Thank you...
your favorite tea and your husband is very nice brother @lugina, fragrant tea and beneficial to our health, it is very expensive tea and quality, enjoy your favorite tea yes brother @lugina
Thanks, the only expensive one is a ginseng since they have to grow it for 6 years with lot of cares.
ooo ya kakak.
kakak suka mengoleksi makanan dan minuman dari luar ya? selamat menikmati ya kakak, semoga bermanfaat bagi keluarga kakak dan kesehatannya.
Itu minuman luarbiasa sekali. Apakah itu teh impor ya? Pasti banyak khasiat bagi kesehatan kita. @lugina
The lokal juga Tak kalah enaknya, apalagi teh merah yang buat pagi tambah gula!
I really like jengkol
Semoga teh pilihan kak @lugina dan suami kakak bermanfaat bagi kesetan kakak dan keluarganya, teh pilihan yang sangat bagus dan berkualitas, harganyapun lumayan mahal, rasanya pasti sangat nikmat, selamat menikmati teh-teh pilihan terbaik ya kak @lugina.
Amiiin, makasih.
Amiin, kak lugina tinggal dimana?
postingan yang bagus kak @lugina, benar, teh memang memiliki segala unggulan dan manfaat bagi kesehatan kita. Dulu waktu masih duduk di bangku kuliah, kebetulan saya seorang farmasi, kami pernah menguji tentang kebenaran kandungan senyawa kimia yang ada dalam daun teh menggunakan metode soxletasi. kandungan flavonoid, tanin, cofein dan berbagai sumber vitamin ada pada daun teh. Inilah yang membuat teh baik bagi kesehatan kita. Terima kasih kak @lugina telah mengingatkan masa lalu saya.
Ada farmasist hadir ni, kebetulan obat saya kurangi....terkecuali kl memang harus dan nggk ada alternative lain, ya nggk ada pilihan!
Tetapi yang alami juga tidak bagus jika berlebihan. Iya kak @lugina, jika memang ada alternatif untuk memilih yang alami itu lebih baik dari pada kimiawi.
My favorite is the regular tea. if green tea is less like me because the smell is not fragrant. @lugina
Cool, thanks
Aduh.. Teh yang sangat enak dan berkualitas dengan bahan-bahan berkualitas dan dari negri tetangga, pilihan yang tepat dan terbaik, saya sangat suka minum teh daripada jenus kopi lainnya, karena teh membantu daya pikir kita yang lebih jernih, selamat atas pilihan teh-teh terbaik ya kak @lugina
Ya, the membantu says tuk lupain kopi. Kayaknya d Indo masih pada minum teh merah d kasih gula ya?
Iya kakak.
Habis harus gimana lagi kakak.
Kakak lagi dimana?
Kakak aslinya orang mana?
Dimana itu kakak. Saya tidak tau asgar, tidak pernah dengar saya kak.
I'm a tea once because it's good to be enjoyed at any time. sometimes I like expensive tea with the best quality. @lugina
interesting post, I also like tea. thanks for sharing.
Sure, thanks.
Nice post @lugina. I like this.
I am a new user in this steemit, I feel this steemit can help connect me with people in this world. I would like to make friends as a good human being. maybe that's the wisdom we can take from this steemit, steemit has connected us with the other its, i come from indonesia. if it pleases to be friends with me, I will be very happy.
Welcome to steemit friend and I'm Indonesian too, I'm from West Java ..
Wow ! Beautiful collection !! M too tea lover !
Do you have Nepalese tea in your collection ?
I'd would love to have some, but I'm not sure what is the best nepaliese tea?
We can find various types of tea here in Nepal. There are many local brands for Black(processed tea) and some have good taste. Green tea, White tea, Masala tea and Herbal tea are the best. I like green, black and masala tea.
Oh, how tempting-looking tea with flowers. I'm sure it is very tasty and flavorful. I'm a big fan of different kinds of tea. Tea with herbs, citrus, tea with ginger.In every season I choose a special taste. In winter, I like aromatic cinnamon and clove tea. And spring makes me to open the delicate floral tastes. It's an art to choose the right kind of tea for the moment.
Good choices, herbs are special and gently treating our body in the safest way especially ginger. My body is having hard time with cinnamon, that's the only thing I have to pay attention in ... Otherwise I'll be get sick, weird huh!
Very, it is a pity that you have such a reaction organism on cinnamon. I like its aroma and taste. It is always associated with Christmas holidays.
I am just getting into Tea's.. There are so many blends it can be overwhelming while your looking to buy some. My friend told me about Sage Tea last year and the health benefits of it.. So that's when I started to pay attention to the health reason of Tea's. I love my Green Tea with Lemon .. But my favorite is Earl Gray still. I have to say that Flowering Tea Ball 'Jasmine Silver Needle looks amazing.. I guess you have to buy on line?
Followed & upvoted
Awesome, soon ... You'll pack your cabinet with many different one, anyway I'll try the sage tea for sure and yes you have to buy online.
The sage is great if your belly hurts or just don't feel that great...
yes really love tea with you @lugina
Wow this is great to know that you are a tea lover too cheers to that awesome collection you have try to drink every day something new :D
It sure is, tea is helping me to forget about coffee.
I like chinese green tea so much sis
Let me to resteem your post dear steemian
Macha seems to be the perfect choice for today :)
Teh memang sangat baik untuk kesehatan, apalagi ginseng, tapi entah kenapa saya sangat jarang minum teh, padahal didaerah saya teh hijau sangat laris terjual. Saya lebih suka minum kopi, satu hari tidak minum kopi kepala saya pusing..he..he.
Interesting post friends, tea is a good drink for the freshness of our body and I also really like the tea and from the picture you post must be very fresh tea, I like my friend upvote and resteem
waah,,, this is good you are tea lover, same as me i also pen love tea