This question is for ladies but as a man, I think I have some few tips here for ladies.
I have seen enough of relationship in life, failed at many to really understand what we really matters.
Forget money, spirituality, education, a man's sex drive or how he can comport himself, two things to me after years of failing in relationship maters.
One is compatibility and two is chemistry.
Most relationship issues aren't that of not dating a good guy or lady but that of dating the wrong "good" guy and wrong "good" lady.
Most of my breakups and failed relationship have been me ( a good guy by at least some standard) and my exes (at a good standard good ladies)but all failed despite the fact that we are all good and great hearted being.
We are just not right for each other.
No matter how cool two people look together, love each other or even have chemistry together, if they aren't compatible, then it's bound to fail.
So how can ladies (since this question are toward ladies) know who is compatible with them?
Knowing who they are!
It took me years to know who I am really and to know who can really be a great fit for that me that I am and since I figured out what my problem is, it has been a great ride since then hooking up with someone who really fit well into my being.
There are more compromises we gonna make in relationship but the question is what compromises are you ready to take and what are the ones that you can't take. But before you can answer that, knowing who you are is a must before you can know what fit you and what you can take or not.
Then there need to be Chemistry and I think this is common sense. That spark and love feeling is needed with compatibility to make a great relationship with any man or woman,
So what should a woman look for in a man?
Compatibility and Chemistry, the rest are gonna be compromises that are gonna be easy to make or manage.