I love him but he is not my other half

in #love6 years ago (edited)

20180528_114913.png (image source)(https://www.google.com/search?q=he+is+not+my+other+half&client=ms-android-samsung&prmd=ivn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj4quPiy6jbAhWIA8AKHexzAiwQ_AUICSgB&biw=360&bih=512&dpr=3#)
I think I have found the one! He loves me and I love him too. So much! He is kind, supportive, God fearing, understanding, funny and everything I could ever want. We look forward to spending forever together. He means a lot to me. But he is not my other half!
Does this come to you as a surprise? Well I'll explain to it to you. Now wipe off that confused look off your face.
He cannot be my other half because I am not a half. I'm whole. We are two wholes. Relationships, contrary to what most of you think is not about two incomplete halves coming together to form a whole but rather two wholes forming one. I'm a Christian, so I'll be using biblical references.
The bible's equation is for two to become one. Not two halves becoming one. See Mark 10:8 . People who have the mentality that their significant other is their other half often live believing that they are incomplete. So they look to be complete in their partner. Some even say, "he or she is my better half" (lol). So you mean that not only are you incomplete but the better half is in someone else? No babes. That's wrong. Don't look for a relationship or marriage to define you. You are complete in Christ. Collosians 2:10
Sucessful relationships are about two people who know they are complete in Christ coming together to form one. So stop thinking you are a half and you can't fully function without your "better half". You are whole baby. You are complete.
So yes! My boyfriend is not my other half. He doesn't complete me because we are two wholes. We are not incomplete. We are two individuals complete in Christ coming together to form one. Just as it's supposed to be.
So don't look for a relationship or marriage to fill in the gaps and shortcomings in your life. The expectation and hope we have for another person to complete us is just a myth. You are not 50%. You are 100%. I don't know how else to stress it. This mentality might even lead you to throw yourself at any relationship just to be complete. You need to remind yourself that you are already complete


Woooow, i now have a better understanding of the word now.
Thanks for explaining that to us.

Anytime b!❤