Meaning and History Behind a Red Roses

in #love7 years ago (edited)

The red rose is a flower that is considered to represent love, romance, beauty, and respect. Since ancient times, many people have expressed their feelings by giving them red roses.

You know, in ancient Greece and Rome, red roses are expensive and luxurious. It used to be available only to rich and noble people. Red roses are also an inspiration for painters. While in religious rituals, red roses are used in ceremonies as well as in meditation rituals.

The red rose symbolizes the Lancaster family, a white rose is the emblem of the York family, when Henry VII of the Lancaster family married Elizabeth from York, she combined the roses of these two symbols into a Tudor rose. There is also ancient Greek mythology, which tells of Venus, the son of Cupid (the god of desire, erotic love, charm and affection) who was stung by the bees for accidentally shooting arrows into the rose garden.

This beautiful rose I planted in the yardof my home, I flush and I give fertilizer, so it grows bloom and become the eye decoration of everyone who saw it.

This rose is a flower that always makes me happy, sometimes he can entertain when I'm angry, sometimes also can make me smile when I am sad.

Here's a little story about my flower, the flower is a soft and beautiful creature, that's why many people love it.