On Valentine's Day, I wrote a post about Love and my point was to Love Yourself First. Hours later, we had the mass shooting here in my town, so close to home, and as a single mother, I never felt so helpless and scared for my son's life. I went into Survival Mode like nothing happened, made dinner and had "our regular bedtime" where we read a book together and say our Gratitude prayer. At that time, I lost it and for one hour tears rolled down my face. I cried thinking about the mothers that could not have a bedtime with their kids anymore, and at the same time, for all the "kids" that are labeled weird, crazy, different, and are struggling to belong. I felt that I lost my Faith in Humanity but I didn't want to be the person that judges and hate, so the next day I went to the beach to meditate and try to understand why I was feeling that way. That's when I realized that the "Love Yourself First" is valid and important, but looking at the big picture, we really need to realize that it's the time to Give. Give our time, give back, give attention, give education and most important Give Love.
I believe that everything happens for a reason, and as soon as I got home, I came to Steemit and searched for @kenny-crane. He's been working on a "Guess the Number Bot" and I wanted to play. I found his post and was late for the game; however, he added a video from Drake called God's Plan. I watched the video and it gave me Hope. Hope that we can become better people and consequently, create a better World. I wrote him a comment not knowing if he was going to read it, but I had the urge to speak up and telling someone how I was feeling, so I told him that I've been disappointed with the humans and the video made me feel different. Not even five minutes later he replied and what he wrote was everything I needed to hear and I'll bring his message with me for the rest of my life…
"Us humans are a very mixed bag. There are people who can inspire us and people who will disappoint us. Sometimes the same person will do both, on different occasions! Keep being uplifted by the inspiring humans. Seek them out and try to do something similar to what they do, when you can. That's my general comment to everyone who reads this". kenny-crane
I couldn't agree more and I wanted to share his words because it's so easy to focus on the negative, but we really need to "be uplifted by who inspire us"! And we can start right here, on this great platform called Steemit! There are so many inspiring people around us! I chose to focus my energy on them, and I'd like to spread the word, so you guys can be inspired as well…
Partnered in a Bangladesh Chicken Farm with @azizbd who helps the poor people in his community in Bangladesh. He runs a school for poor children, and buy them fruits with his Steemit posts. He also runs a program in his area for Women Empowerment, where he brings teachers to show a group of women how to make crafts and clothes. You can read the post
He left the most caring reply on my first week here, and I'll be forever grateful!
He's such a loving and inspiring person, always promoting Goodness & showing how Steemit is transforming lives around the globe. Here are some examples:
Please check his post.@kus-knee:
Steem Accelerator Hubs in Nigeria by @stach
Bringing New Life to a Neglected Park by @varonoi & @hansikhouse
Feed 40,000 free meals,
Save 350,000 pounds of trash,
Create tens of thousands of pounds of compost,
House hundreds of people with nowhere to go,
Achieve a negative carbon footprint,
Publish thousands of free articles on sustainability, holistic health,permaculture, conscious parenting, and more!@quinneaker:
Founder and Director of the @gardenofeden where each year
For the last but not least, I want to mention my favorite group Steemitbrasil where I can share ideas and opinions with the most inspiring friends!
I hope we can not only be inspired but also build each other up!

Much Love,
Dani Denes
I feel ya on the being scared. They have had a few scary moments through the years out here. Been threats to the school my son goes to. There have been lock-downs at the schools by us due to other reasons too. Each time I hear about them, I fear for my sons life. It saddens me that lives are taken for no reason, and they are happening more and more. These kids who are not taught to treat everyone equally, or have home issues make me really sad.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and I hope and pray that families find a way to pull through this.
I’m so sorry you have to live trhough these horrible situations. Where are you from? Sending my love ❤️
Thank you. It's a never ending thing I think, as a parent. He will be off to college this year, so I will be even more worried. Plus side he will stay home at night until he goes to 4 yr college. We live in Washington state. We have had a few convicts escape the jail down the street, which led to a few school lock downs a few years ago.
Thanks for mentioning me in this heartfelt article about love and inspiration! We do need to build each other up, and there are many good people here on Steemit who try to do just that. Wishing you all the best!
You are an Amazing Human Being and I am so happy to have found you here. You not only support myself, but also my friends. I always see you commenting and helping everyone. The world needs more people like you. Happy Friday 😊
I feel guilty and selfish after reason. But it's good I guess , have always had this self crush putting my self first before others everytime, forgetting there's this sense of joy that comes by giving, sharing and inspiring others. I repent today
I pray that families of the shooting have the strength to survive this hurtful period.
Thank you for you honest comment. Have a great day :)
Hang in there...weeping may endure for a night but joy cometh in the morning...God
Thank you! Have a great day :)
Waw...nice post
Thank you!
I think I needed to read this today. My story isn't that serious as yours (mass shooting in your neighborhood) but lately, I've been feeling the same way. After an experience with one of my friends, I really started to taught that finding loyal and meaningful relationships these days is really freaking hard. But then I realized that I do have them, that I have people who would die for me and who love me dearly. And those are people I need to focus on my time, my energy, my generosity. As you mentioned in your article, we need to focus on positive instead of the negative. Not everyone acts in the right way, but not everyone acts in the wrong way either. Your post touched me. Thank you :)
Awww @silviaturon!!! I'm glad my post brought a meaning message. I feel you, my friend, I've been through some hard situations with "friends" as well, but we really need to focus our energy on the positive. I see as a daily work, not easy, but has to be done and it's so worth it. Where do you live in Florida?
This is lovely Dani. My heart is heavy for all the families that are missing loved ones tonight. All we can do is pray and have faith in God. This world we live in is soo unpredictable!
You’re so right... all we can do is Pray and Have Faith. Thank you for stopping by :) Love You❤️
@naturald we pray together for world peace...If everyone have a heart full of love for sure we will be able to live in a harmony world.
You are so right @veenalo! All we need is to give & receive Love❤️
You're right, we should start concentrating on the good in people, but it's also not easy to just ignore all the bad things happening out there! We should try our best to be one of these inspiring people & to give love, but we should also always be aware that there are some people in this world who don't think the same way! Great post, I really enjoyed reading it :)
Thank you for your honest comment! I agree with you, we cannot ignore and live in a bubble, but we can use our energy trying to do good and give Love ❤️
Dani você tem um coração gigante e as pessoas então precisando disso! <3
Sim! Estamos todos precisando de mais Amor❤️
Vocé também tem um coração enorme. Can’t wait to meet you!
Thank you very much for mentioning me in your post. You have done a good summary of my work, I feel so happy. @kenny-crane is not only partner of the business, he is a good friend of me and you can see how generously he supports my all work since beginning. I am happy to read the post. Have a great journey here.
I’m sure he’s a very good friend! @kenny-crane is an awesome human being, and so do you. You’re doing a great job in your community and I’m glad to be able to spread the word. I’ll be following your journey and hopefully we can became friends as well 😊 Have a great day @azizbd!
Sure. I am happy to connect with you and will try to check your blog more often. Do not forget to DM me on steemit.chat ( Azizbd )for any kind of communication. I will be happy to interact with you as well. Have good day 😊
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