Totally get what you are saying. I've not had the experience of fatherhood, I'm not even Shanti's primary human (just a 'housemate', friend and fan :) but have known her since day1. She's not road-smart and once got lost chasing a deer in the woods and came back home, criss-crossing the main road exactly where my landlord's previous dog (also called Shanti, but male) had been run over and killed. Although she was safe, my insides were ripped to shreds and I had to deal with the thought of 'loss'. Such videos as you watched are heart-wrentching!
I once saw a great slogan on a motorbike: Right Like An Animal; Ride Like A Beast ;-D
I got a similar story with Elwood, who you met.
who is elwood
My American Bulldog. My kid ; )
very good.
Totally get what you are saying. I've not had the experience of fatherhood, I'm not even Shanti's primary human (just a 'housemate', friend and fan :) but have known her since day1. She's not road-smart and once got lost chasing a deer in the woods and came back home, criss-crossing the main road exactly where my landlord's previous dog (also called Shanti, but male) had been run over and killed. Although she was safe, my insides were ripped to shreds and I had to deal with the thought of 'loss'. Such videos as you watched are heart-wrentching!
I once saw a great slogan on a motorbike: Right Like An Animal; Ride Like A Beast ;-D
