I fell in love
Being alone has been a presence,
One which still seems to have no essence.
So one day,I made my way to the top of the mountain,
Hoping to find a sight too mighty for my mind to contain.
It was at this time,
That I fell in love.
My love wasn’t a human.
No,not a strikingly beautiful woman.
It is a scenry.
A beautiful blend of a great many feeling.
Touching my heart and melting it right away.
It is definitely a sound of music.
Coming at a time when my world was without a song.
It immediately lit up my world,
Bringing me to a beautiful state.
It is truly an atmosphere,
One without prejudice or hate.
The perfect state.
My love is a language,definitely not english.
Embodied with such a touch of peace.
Its rhyme is beautiful,
And its words sweet.
My love is a people,
One of the most beautiful,
Poor but outstandingly intelligent.
Hard workers and faithful folks.
My love is a place.
Deeply rooted in Asia,
Beautiful for the earth.
My love is an idea,
Born out of patience and conviction,
A firm resolve to light up the world.
So that’s the state of my heart ,
The place where I stand,
On love's chart.
Lovely article... U can make it sell better by adding more tags for visibility.
Got that. Thank you sir.
You're right. Thanks.