Reasons why you should write your love once a letter

in #love7 years ago


I wrote her a letter for the firsf time

After 8months of seeing her, i have grown to love her more every seconds of the day, i wondered what to do for her since i have been away for 7months of our relationship and she has been patient for 7months waiting for my return, we make long phone calls and chat on the social media daily, but the closure was still not there, as after we get off the phone, there is always nothing more to hold on to except a thought, this got me worried, so i wondered what to do, to make us close as if im there and shes here.

befor now during the war the fighters always write to their family

I remember, what has been on for long even befor i was born, long befor now the army wrote to their loved once, to make them feel their presences, to know and have Assurance of their love.

I wrote my first one to her

Yes i said, i had to write my very first letter to her, handwritten, but its was no jokes, she loved it and was so happy, happier than i havr ever known, she kept telling me how much the letter mean to her and promise to keep it for ever. Lovinv the result i got from my first i write another, even when the distance was very far, i did write another, and to save cost, i sent it through a mail which is to be printed, and ever since i have been sending letters and our love has grown even better.

When i return, i already want to propose 💍 tk her and get married , yes getting married to my cute baby fish, as i call her.

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