My self-loving homage to myself, life and to you all

in #love6 years ago (edited)

 I love myself. I cherish myself. I might not have always have had the “best” life, but I understand that I have always had abundance in my life. To the outside world this may look like an abundance of pain – but I in fact have had all along is an abundance of gifts.   
 These gifts include creation, intuition, guidance from the universe and much more. Whilst I unintentionally may have ignored much of this, I have now awoken myself to the point where I can respect and be grateful for all that has happened to me. I understand that much of this has been in accordance with my divinity and that there is a divine purpose forward for me. I am very joyful, excited and ready for this – in whatever capacity and I will love all affected, including myself.   
 I have had a lot of experiences in this life, experiences all contained within this loving universe. The universe can only love, so this means that I have received a great deal of loving abundance from the universe. I am eternally grateful for this. As I continue on my soul journey, back to who I am, I feel the love now so intensely from within and without, that sometimes I am so surprised that I didn’t see it before.
 But I now I did see it, I just chose not to because this the trait of being human. It’s ok, I forgive myself for not seeing what I now see. I forgive myself because I didn’t do anything wrong – there is no wrong to be done. All I have done is walk my path exactly as how it was supposed to go. By walking this path, I have walked my path of love and this is where we are. My path has shown me the light of forgiveness and self-love, this is a wondrous path to have taken.   
 Going forwards, I don’t know where the path may take me physically, consciously or spiritually, but I know that I will always have the love inside me that I need. The love outside me that the universe provides and the love of being one with all other souls. Using love, we can heal together and create something beyond our current levels of thinking. This certainly is exciting.   
 As for myself, I have many other great qualities within me. I have psychic and creative energetic abilities that I am going to unlock. These abilities will serve me very well in this future – but we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.   
 I have a great power too with others. They see something in me that they know is a bit more divine than usual, but not too far divine where they are afraid of me. As a result I attract positivity and healing not only into my life, but into the life of others so that we can all make the journey to 5D ascension and back to who we all really are.   
 2018 was an exciting year. I didn’t know how it would go, but I never could have imagined sitting here a year later knowing that I would have cleared all (maybe a large chunk) of my 3D pain. I feel so loving and happy and joyous to know this – I am forever grateful to myself, my guides and all those who have played a key role in my awakening.   
 As for my own personal ambitions in life – my highest ambition is to return to source and know all the secrets of the universe, including knowing exactly who I am. To do this, I will have re-merged with my true soul – my twin flame – and I will be soulfully whole. I can be lovingly whole by my self, but to be truly soulfully whole I must be the whole soul. I will also have helped the earth and it’s souls to have merged and ascend in their own life, so that there is only unconditional love in the world and the universe. This is all I want to achieve – but I need the tools to get me there.   
 Unconditional love requires nothing. It is all that is, even within us right now. Behind all the negative programming when nothing else remains, all that is is unconditional love. I am unconditional love. I am unconditional love. I am unconditional love.   
 I am grateful to myself and who I am. I am grateful for having been given this opportunity to exist and fulfil this life. I am grateful for the universe and it’s boundless power. I am humbled to have known how much resources have been invested in me, but understand the infinity of the universes gifts. I look forward to receiving much more and giving much more too. It is a great life – I love you all.