If love involves embracing every aspect of a person, how true is love at first sight?

in #love6 years ago

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I actually do believe in love at first sight. Call me an hopeless romantic but it happens to be how it is.

The way I see it is pretty simple. It might be not be a very popular way of seeing it but in my opinion there are different levels of love. There is of course the traditional lust, like and love, all varying with the deepness and genuiness of feelings of affection proclaimed.

But I take it further by saying that even the degree of love varies, not so much with genuiness this time--seeing as all forms of love must by definition be genuine--but with deepness.

This is where love at first sight comes in.

To me, as a member of that romantic tradition, I believe in connections and communications that go deeper than those words can convey. I suppose one of the very pre requisites of being a romantic is to have a belief in words but also understand its genuine incompetence at the same time.

Which is where something deeper is needed.

And that is how love at first sight comes into play. In any case where this happens I believe it does so because there has been a communication of this sort, transcending mere words but connecting to something much deeper and much truer, than the kinds a million words can convey.

And it is when that kind of communication occurs between two people that we can say there has been love at first sight between them.

And even though, like I mentioned earlier, this kind of love, genuine though I feel it is, might not neccesarily be at the deepest stage it could be yet. As time goes on the people involved might later get to know each other more deeply and have an even better appreciation of themselves. But again this is not to desprecate or even say that there is no such thing as love at first sight.

And when you really consider it you'd find that it does not even slightly contradict what you wrote as the preface to the question--I mean the condiction that love must include embracing every aspect of the other person.

Only in love at first the communication is more, dare I say, transcendent and on a much subtler key.

So there you have it, my attempt as a romanticist trying to explaining love at first. I hope you have been converted, if you haven't before, to a hopeless believer in love at first sight like me.

Cheers and have a nice day!
