Have you seen me?
Even once…
Maybe not…
Do you know that I am still waiting?
Well, I guess you don’t know and you don’t care…
I don’t know when to draw the line…
I can’t stop hoping… dreaming…that one day.. you will take at least a glimpse on me…
Why sorrows keep on coming back…I thought I hide it well enough…
I thought I have moved on… but at the end of the day… my hope crushes my thoughts…
I have tried… so many times… to retaliate the pain… but I can’t…
Just the plan of retaliation give wounds that up to now do not heal…
Have you heard me?
Calling your name in my dreams…
Do the echoes penetrate your heart, your mind?
If not… should I shouted more your name…
And climb the highest mountainjust to whisper it…
You don’t hear me still, right?
For your ears are not meant to hear the words that I am saying..
It belongs to someone… and that is not me…
Have you felt my touch?
When I hold your hand… do you think I’m just holding it…
Have you felt something… have you felt my longingness to be with you? To stay with you…
It burdens me… it’s so painful… to be with you yet you can’t see me, hear me, or feel me…
How come you’re so blind… deaf… numb…
Will I still wait for you?
Will my hopes and dreams cometrue?
Or should I go on… but where will I go… if my heart keeps on coming back to you…
Where will I go… if I know that I can only be happy with you…
How can I move on… if this love that i am feeling never left my heart not even once…
I tried to kill this love… but the roots are deeper than I have imagined…
It runs to my veins… circling around my body…
I am a fool… but can you blame me?
Can anyone blame me for loving this much?
Time…only time can reveal what lies ahead…
Im tired of waiting…
Can i give up now?
Then, tell me how…