'World Love Day' This day is not a specific culture of our country. There is no such thing as to observe that day. Actually we know about love since the beginning of creation. And it also knows how much time to bring other culture into itself. It's not fair to measure love from one perspective. Must have love for everyone. It is good to see, however, that 'women in sarees, in keshaye quite' evaluates the word, when a Bengali woman expresses her feelings in her own. But the history of this modern era has come to a specific day from where its history needs to be known first.
The time was 269 ...
During Roman times, there was a great deal of Roman Emperor at that time. Then the Emperor was the second Claudius. Under his leadership, the Roman army started conquering all the kingdoms. Then there were many soldiers who needed to be in war. And the emperor believed that when the marriage took place, the fighting force of soldiers reduced. The idea that's the job. He banned marriage. At that time St. Valentine was a Roman Catholic priest who was also a doctor. He could not accept this fact. Hiding and hiding in the church of young people started to marry. But this tradition could not be maintained for a long time. Once upon a time the emperor's ears went away. Valentine caught. He was captured.
Many fans went to jail to see Valentin. Many floral greetings came as a symbol of their affection. As he was also a doctor, he was imprisoned by a prison guard by a visually impaired girl. And his popularity increased further. After the recovery, the girl used to come every day to see Valentine. Later on, she fell in love with the girl and broke the law of the priest and married him. When he heard such news, he ordered Valentine's death sentence. Here ends the Valentine's love. Prior to the execution of the death penalty, in the last letter of Valentine's letter to Priya, 'Love from Your Valentine' And the day was also February 14th.
Do so so much so that 14th February To express the unimaginable feeling of love that is known by the name of love, or 'Valentine's Day' which has been declared as the day of love every year, this day has been established as a festival of all emotional days in the nineteenth century. It is the practice of spending time alone with people of love. It is said that, the love of the true lover of the world who died from the love of the world, or is stored in the sun, so the color of the sun is red. It is said from many emotions. I do not know how much the truth is about this Even then, in real sense it is very difficult to evaluate the word 'love' in the present context. Today is not a happy day for all. But still, he gave his love to everyone in the middle of each and every combination, and every combination of the equations.