Its a long road ahead but hey, its boring to live in a coma?!
True. Better a hard journey than to stagnate.
Do you know about the vagus nerve?
Its a long road ahead but hey, its boring to live in a coma?!
True. Better a hard journey than to stagnate.
Do you know about the vagus nerve?
Hi you guys! I dont know of that nerve i dont think, vagus,sounds rather female hahaha
Vagus not vagina lol.
It runs from your base of skull to neck to heart lungs gut. And back again.
Put your finger on pulse. Breath in and note. Breath out...heart rate slows. So exhaling = parasympathetic rest and digest response.
People with good vagal tone calm.down better after a shock, an argument.
How to tone it??? Breathing exercises.
Wanna speed up and be alert? Focus on in breath
Wanna slow down? Out breath.
Good to know in meditation... when sleepy it's the in breath that'll keep u focussed and awake.
It's a fucking amazing thing and I only found out about it last year. Yogis were onto it. Read about it... rad
to stay awake in meditation would help hahahahahahahaha
There is this deep meditative state where we are able to fully awake receive certain information, like about our future life. I have been in that state about six times thus far, and it most often happens after waking up from sleep and then falling asleep again. At the beginning this took a lot of energy so that after waking up in the morning I felt worn out as if I had done sport.
hihi your a little star! thats great to have read, that means that soon it will be that i see and get to read something bout it