Excellent post. What is that thing you are wearing? Not to be crude, but it looks like an erect penis getting ready for a money shot to the eye. Just saying. No insult intended.
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Excellent post. What is that thing you are wearing? Not to be crude, but it looks like an erect penis getting ready for a money shot to the eye. Just saying. No insult intended.
It is a Plumb. A tool used by operative Masons. As a symbol in Freemasonry, it reminds us to walk uprightly before God and Humanity.
Thanks! Good advice to remember.
That’s funny! It covers those pesky wants & needs of the human flesh. A symbol of sexual transcendence for the “enlightened”
Sexual transcendence? Please refrain from frankly ignorant comments like this. It is a Plumb. A tool used by operative Masons. As a symbol in Freemasonry, it reminds us to walk uprightly before God and Humanity.
No offense meant, just looking for a much needed laugh. I am admittedly hugely ignorant about the Freemasons, but I would appreciate you sharing all of the information you know & believe in.
They are a very interesting organization. Seems to attract amoral networking types from what I can tell. Secret meetings & forbidden to follow the law of the government. The many charities helping very vulnerable populations of children should be carefully examined