6 Tips to make a Long Distance Relationship Work

in #love8 years ago

I have been in a long distance relationship for the past 8 months. And let me tell you, it's difficult but not impossible. If anything, it's brought my girlfriend and I closer. Here are 6 tips to make it work:

1. Say I Love You a Lot

Famous music band "Extreme" may not want you to say I love you, but trust me, your significant other does, A LOT. Being in a long distance relationship brings about a lot of insecurities, specially when you cannot see, or spend time with your significant other. Professing your love, reassures them, that they are still the apple of your eye, and your heart still beats, just for them, specially when you cannot show it in other ways.

2. Video Call Everyday

Being hundreds and thousands of kilometers away, physical intimacy is something you always miss. But thanks to the advent of technology, even if you cannot hold the other person, you can at least see and talk the other person. Apps like Skype, Google Duo, FaceTime and Facebook Messenger allow you to make video calls and the best part is they're free.

My girlfriend and I video-call at least twice a day. Once when we wake up, and late at night, just before sleeping. And don't forget to go nuts...my girlfriend and I make goofy faces, profess our love by singing songs to each other and even dancing for one another. Its fun, and it takes the edge off the missing for a while.

3. Text Messaging Apps are your Best Friend

Text messages are a great way to keep in touch, specially when you're at work, in class, or other places where calling is not possible. This is specially true in a long distance relationship. Texting is a great way to let the other person know you're thinking about them.

Imagine this scenario... It's 3:00 pm. Your significant other is at work, having a really rough day. She's just come out of a meeting, she hasn't even had lunch. Suddenly her phone pings. It's a message from you. She opens it and it reads

'Hey! Hope you're having a great day. If not here's a kiss :* to make it better...I Love You.'

It not only immediately brightens her day, it makes her fall in love with you all over again.

4. Call often, even if for just a Minute

Sometimes when you're really missing the other person, hearing their voice is really reassuring. Call as often as you can. Not only is it reassuring, it also helps maintain communication. That's the single most important thing which makes any relationship work. COMMUNICATION. So make sure you communicate often, even if it's for one minute, or five.

Imagine this scenario...You're at work. Suddenly your phone rings. Its from her. You pick up. She says

'Hey! Hope I'm not disturbing you. I just wanted to tell you that I Love You. You can get back to your work now'

Doesn't that feel great? Now go do that to her, and imagine how she'll feel.

5. Plan Trips to Meet Often

Physical intimacy is very important in a relationship. While it may not always be feasible to travel, set goals and plan to meet, even if it's for a couple of days. Not only will it bring you closer, it will give you the strength to go on till your next meeting.

Although it is difficult due to our work commitments, My girlfriend and I plan to meet at least once a month, whether she comes to my City, I go to hers, or if that is not feasible, we plan a trip over the weekend and meet somewhere in the middle. Its become a ritual now and helps keep the spark alive. And after we go back, it's fun to plan our next trip over phone calls. We discuss where we'll meet and what we'll do. So make sure you do that as well.

6 Plan Surprises

Just because you are not in the same city as them, does not mean you cannot plan surprises for them. You can find an online Cake and Flower delivery service that delivers in her area, buy something off Amazon and have it delivered to her, or even go the extra mile and make something handmade and have it parceled to her. Anything that shows them how much they mean to you.

This year for my girlfriend's birthday, I made her a care package, with a number of "Open When Letters". Each contained either a quirky message, or a small gift. I also gave her the instructions that she wasn't allowed to open more than two letters in a week. It ensured that she was in the Birthday spirit for an entire month after that, and every Sunday I got to see her excitement, as she would open the letters in front of me, over a video call. She told me afterwords how much more special it made her Birthday.

Hope you enjoyed these small tips, and hope they bring you and your significant other closer. In case you are in a long distance relationship yourself, do comment and let me know how you make your long distance relationships work.

I try to upvote and reply to messages on my posts as often as I can.