The mourning period took long than i imagined...having lost two important people in my life was so heartbreaking,it was as if my heart was ripped off my chest literally speaking.The worst thing is that my dad also lost his job the same year as my uncle's and grandpa's death.My mum was a housewife and we all depended on dad.Ooh,i forgot to mention my dad is an alcoholic.After he lost his job,he would come home drunk and very late,he would hail all sorts of insults at mum,he even cheated on her.I would cry a lot and would not utter a word or help her because i was very young and frightened.I was always full of rage but mum always told me not to let hatred fill my heart.
Mother had to find a way to feed and continue teaching us since dad had abandoned us and misused all the savings we had.She had some money saved and also got a loan from the bank and started her own boutique,she would sell second hand clothes for kids,and that's how we survived until i graduated for my senior high school and my brother his junior high.
It took four years of torture from dad until he got another job .We were so relieved as we new chaos will reduce .I didn't do well in my senior high to get an entry to a university so enrolled in a college.He always paid all my tuition money and my younger brother school fees.
My mother became pregnant the same year i enrolled for college,the worst thing happened,dad said he was not the baby's father after he was born,he neither came to visit nor pay the hospital bills,he just neglected his own son.I was so furious knowing how much mum stood by him during all that cheating,insults and excessive drinking i confronted him.He was so angry that he ended up slapping me,seriously,just because i told him the naked truth!My good friends am telling you that that baby and dad are look-alike.
The Christian Bible commands us to honor our father and mother,but noway for me,i had lost all respect for this man.I never talked to him again,when i came home for my holidays,i would always hide in my bedroom and make sure i was never in contact with this guy(dad).
After four years of college,i finally graduated that is in the year 2010; with a diploma in Analytical Chemistry...i was a grown woman and had a very supportive and loving boyfriend who i shared all my problems with.In the year 2011,my boyfriend proposed marriage to me and said a big YES.
I told my parents the good news and they were so excited to meet this guy.We arranged the date and my fiancee' came home to meet my parents.My mum liked him immediately he saw him but dad mmm no way. Immediately dad had which tribe he came from, he said he cannot marry his only daughter.
"Let me tell you a short story about my country,Its called Kenya in Eastern Africa.It consists of 46 tribes.But way back there have been political rivalry between the Kikuyu and the Luo tribes.Our old folks never allow intermarriage between the two tribes,but these days the two tribes are intermarrying since we have all evolved unlike my father who was a no no to the Luo tribe."
Dad threw tantrums on my fiancee' and told him to leave at once or he would call a gang of men to beat him up..I tried to calm dad down but no way you can calm this man down he is so hot-headed.I escorted my fiancee' to the bus station.
that day i decided i cant live the same house with that heartless man. After a few weeks, i woke up very early so as no one could notice i wasn't there when they all gathered for breakfast,I eloped with the love of my life,mum was heartbroken bu at the same time happy since i had found true love and a man who is not alcoholic like dad .................TO BE CONTINUED