The seven stage of LOVE

in #love8 years ago


First stage - contemplation
At this moment, one does not yet know he loves it. He senses that the other attracts him, looks for his closeness, he often longs to see him, to communicate with him. This feeling rarely occurs in both. Usually, it is born first in one and it must spark the spark in the other.

Second Stage - Awakening
At this moment the love in the other awakens and the love feeling begins to be realized. Then you think and all your positive energy is directed to the "object" of your love. The heart of the other begins to dissolve, and now his stage of contemplation comes to an end.

Third stage - dissolution of the heart
At this point, love is awakened and aware of both. They have opened their hearts to one another and are the happiest people in the world. They begin to communicate with their hearts not only among themselves but also with everyone else. And this means that love is awakened to others. Love connects us with invisible threads with the finest energy sources in the universe. The lovers write poems, speak loftily, do not step on the ground - fly straight.

This stage is connected with another interesting moment - creating the inner world of these two souls. There they enjoy each other, constantly longing to see themselves, the separation for them is painful. If they wish, no one else will be allowed into this world. In fact, he must remain untouchable for others, an outsider must cross his boundaries - neither friend nor friend! Because every stranger with whom the lovers share and tell about their feelings can realize or unconsciously envy them, sink the flowers into the beautiful garden of love and harm their relationship.

At first glance, it seems to you that there is a contradiction between the claim that lovers awaken love not only in themselves but also in others, and the prohibition to admit anyone to this inner world. But there is practically no contradiction. The lovers glow with a special light. This light spreads over all their environs. Everybody else feels better, though they often do not understand why. And that's enough! It is not necessary for love to be expressed in words, to be told about it in the ears, because these confessions and beautiful words are only for the ears of the two lovers.

Fourth stage - exploration
This stage is a stumbling block for almost all couples. In modern society, practically there is no culture and knowledge of going through this stage of love.

In order to gain a clearer picture of this stage, we will look at the issue of "ideal halves". Subconsciously everyone is looking for their mate. There is a misconception that in the world this half is only one. But that is not the case. The ideal mate is not born, it becomes such. The ideal half must be created. And this happens at the stage of exploration. They must find as many points of contact as possible. And here we come across another delusion that lovers should be the same, they should look the same, and so it will be easier for them to find more touch points, otherwise, they may be looking for a lifetime.

In fact, ideal relationships can only be built between people who are not alike. They complement each other with the different qualities they possess and help develop. Of course, one should keep in mind that people are at a different level of consciousness. Therefore, the only similarity between the two lovers should be the same level of consciousness, they must speak in a common language, otherwise, they simply will not understand and will not find the points of contact with each other.

The fourth stage lasts about 4 years. At that time, touch points at all levels must be found - spiritual, psychological, mental, social, emotional, physical. Only then will the transition to the next stage be possible.

At this stage it becomes clear that we like different things. Therefore, we need to be able to judge when to relinquish and when to insist. Here the play of insult is perfectly acceptable, but not serious conflicts, because true love does not claim, it accepts the other as it is.

At this point, the greatest enemy of love - passion - appears. This statement probably sounds too ridiculous and incomprehensible. According to the understandings of the ancients, passion must be a servant of love, and in no case the opposite. Then the fourth stage will be passed without much effort. The problem is that in modern society the road to bed is too short.

Passion hinders both the dissolution of hearts and the discovery of touch points. As a result, between lovers, claims, dissatisfaction, and reluctance to make concessions begin to mature. It is in the third and fourth stages that most sections (and divorces) occur. If at this point children appear or are already there, they become so-called "family bonds" and the family continues to exist necessarily, by obligation.

In order to successfully pass the fourth stage, Ayurveda recommends that we fail to succumb to the passion in the first four years of our joint life until all the points of contact have been found. You probably do not believe and you are even shocked by what you have just read, but it must be remembered that, according to ancient customs, the man has married about 25 years for a girl aged between 12 and 14 years. Again, do not be rushed to be amazed, because until the girl's full maturity there could not be a word about sexual relations between spouses. Instead, they both had enough time to move smoothly through the fourth stage of exploration, preserving their mutual love and faithfulness for the rest of their days.

Of course, nowadays we can not talk about such a long, several-year abstinence; It would be enough to win the lust once more. Only then can she become a servant of love, and not vice versa.

Fifth stage - creativity
According to the ancient texts at this stage, the family must be created and the children appear.

At this point, the inner world of the two is already created. It should not be allowed outdoors, but only the children who will dive and grow in an atmosphere of love and protection can enter.

Sixth stage - sacrifice
At this stage, the lovers are willing to give everything to each other, even their lives. If they pass successfully this stage and prove their love through the smile, then the latter comes.

Seventh stage - perfection in love (love harmony)
Reaching this stage means that the love of the two will never disappear. Even in the next life to find themselves on the opposite ends of the planet, they will surely be found. And here we come across a new phenomenon. Remember that we talked about the perfect halves and specified that they are being created and can be more than one. This rule applies to most people. But not for those seldom happy lucky ones who have gone through the seven stages of love in one of their previous lives. There is only one ideal mate for them. In such cases, it is a karmic relationship. These people are very few. They move from life to life together and overcome the various stages of love almost instantaneously. The two remain together from the beginning to the very end.

After all, you probably think you have to spend half a lifetime until you get ready for family and children. Keep in mind that many of the stages can run simultaneously (the first four for sure). But if your acquaintance does not happen for the specified time, it will not happen at all. Not with this man. But perhaps with someone who will surely appear when you are ready for it, and with it you will have to repeat everything from scratch. And whether it will be lighter or harder than the previous one depends on what you have learned from the past.

Thank you reading it


Your text is very beautiful. I am currently in step 2 I think. I will follow you because you seem to be a very nice person and you have talent in writing

Thank you @izbing i try to make only good posts

i am in stage 42 THE UNKNOWN ahahahaahah :D