Hey, my love
I just got home now, very tired, more tired than usual. It was one of those days the time just seem to be very slow.
Right now, I want just the most essential things in life and that is because I am too tired to want all the other luxuries.
So I here is the list of things that I want
- Air ☑️
- Food ☑️
- Water ☑️
- Shelter ☑️
- You, my love❓❓❓ 😢
So I have most of the things on that list here with me, except the one that will probably be missed the most...** YOU.**
You're not an accessory in my life, but an essential. I need you as much as I need air and water. You're second to none and my love for you is unwavering.
You're to me what the invention of soap was to the cosmetic industry.
You're as important to me as the creation of fire is to human civilization
Like in the Bible when God said "let there be light" and everything just started taking form from there... You have that effect on me.
All these makes you absence more difficult to bear. Life has its way of being funny. I can't be with the one I love not because of lack of mutual love, but because of distance.
Distance wouldn't kill my love. It would only make me appreciate your presence even more.
So when I make mistakes or act crazily, (which I do a lot) find ways to forgive me. If for no other reason, but because I don't just want you I need you
Your love,
" i don't just want you, i need you!"