Sounds weird? Well, everybody have this sickness.
We live in a world full of stereotypes believing in “perfection”: a perfect job, a perfect family, a perfect body… Well, life is so much more than it, stereotypes are the evilest lie, perfection is a dream that everybody try to find but anybody could get it.
This is the reality: there’s not a perfect job, perfect body, NOTHING is perfect.
So, what’s happen now? Every person has a hard sickness to accept. Which is this sickness?
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Why I told this? Every day so much more people has anxiety, depression, irritability… Understand that they cannot get this “perfection” models make them get frustrated. **So, what we are going to do? Which is the cure to this sickness?**
1. Acceptance
Being different, skinny, tall, short, cellulitis: this is NORMAL. This is called VARIETY. Being positive, love yourself.
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2. Tolerance
Let’s learn that we cannot all be the same. Have different point of view is not bad. Try to learn new things, let’s hear new ideas. Have an open mind.
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3. Own voice
Why we let another one decided what we should to do, think or feel? We need be loyal to our beliefs and we don’t let them decide what we WANT to do..
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4. Courage
Have fears is normal. Fear is what made us humans. Let’s face our fears, let’s see this as a reason to improve ourselves and get the best version of ourselves.
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We are imperfectly perfect. We should decide being what we want to be without a mold that tell how we supposed to be.
Have an excellent weekend!
Nos vemos pronto.