I've had a picture on my phone for a few years now that has moved me. The drawing is beautiful, and across the world its known as the "Praying hands" from the world famous art is Albrecht Durer.
The story is touching and adds even more beauty to an already beautiful drawing.
Albrecht was one of 18 children in a poor home (18 flippen children!), and due tit he lean circumstances they were in, the father could not send the children to the schools they desired to go to in order to further themselves in the world.
2 of the children, Albrecht and Albert, both wanted to leave the small village near Nuremberg to attend an academy of the arts to pursue their artistic dreams.
So they made a pact that, one of them would attend the academy and the other would work in the mines to support their brother.
Once completed, the 2 would then swop roles, and allow the 2nd brother to attend the academy.
As the cast lots, it fell upon Albert to work for the 1st shift while Albrecht attended the academy.
Over the next few years he established himself as a well renowned artist and his paintings, carvings and works starting getting him noticed even before he finished schooling.
So the time came that schooling ended and tigether as a family Albrecht cht excitedly exclaimed now it is your time my dear brother.
All the poor brother could reply was "no, no, no".
During his time in the mines, there had been many accidents and incidents which had entirely wrecked his hands, and he knew that his day's as an artist were now well and truly over.
What a wonderful example of brotherly love and kindness! I get emotional just thinking of the amsacrifice and love he showed to his brother Albrecht.
Albrecht then painstakingly drew his brothers hands as you see it in the pic above and called his work "Hands".
The world then called the famous works "the Praying hands".
Oh if we could have more people like this in the world.
PHILIPPIANS 2:2 Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind.
3 Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.
4 Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.
Service, not acquisition, gives fulfillment to life. Recently seen several famous people committing suicide. While one cannot judge, general observations can be made.
Yes it seems its spilling over to non famous and famous alike, but the point that even those that seem to have it can be affected too.
Service, is that not another word for loving another? I think so...
Service powers the soul :)
Agreed. I wonder how many people have helped themselves inadvertently when serving others. It changes most things.