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RE: Ti Si Vsichko Za Men Zaschtoto Te Obicham

in #love8 years ago

You're right, love has no price to those involved. I did send 300k to another account. Maybe there is two comments because @newsflash didn't want to just give a downvote without explaining why.

So lucky for you, you didn't have to worry if anything was wrong with your posts content. Simply a disagreement on reward.

Have a great day.


2 months ago Transfer 350000.000 STEEM to newsflash this is your wallet history ..... WOW

Wow you edit the comment .............. everyting is in the blochain ! You say you dont know WHO @newsflash IS and on end is YOU ? WOW WOW WOW ....

Funny , maybe you think every one are stupid . I am not tech person , but you probably know his . There are enough peope who have seen your original comment i am sure some of them are VERY intrested where from your steem come . I dont need to dig but someone will :)

What difference does it make to you where my Steem come from ?

I haven't edited any comment, why are you pointing out to an edited comment and can't figure out anything about it by yourself?

Yes i want to know where this power come from same as many other people . You act like youu rulle this place so this is fair right ? IF and @ned give you this power in order to corect the rewards ant the voting jst say it ! What you have to hide ? About the comment ........... we know what you sayd the first time but in any case i am making screenshots of everyting you comment from now on .Once i can pruve my point i will get back on the topic :)

How does it make sense to try to prove a point with screenshoots while talking about the immutability of the blockchain?

Yeah, this place is designed to be ruled by those owning SP, I'm just doing my job. I think you'd be very surprised how I get paid for this work.

This is the part i didnt get . If you are payed from and your power is donated why isnt public ????

About the blockchain ........... i admit i am not expert but you cahnge somehow your 1 comment ....... even i cannot pruve it right now you did !

I agree @transisto - your privacy here is your own. As for your sock puppet account @newsflash - why are you downvoting my comments and committing economic violence against people who wish to vote for me that have invested in this platform? What alternative do you want? A socialist state of sociopathic whales?? Those who invest in this platform should be allowed to vote freely without intervention. This is a libertarian platform not a Communist one. Please state your reasons for flagging. I do look forward to your answer.

Ohh btw why your coment is marked in pink ? I dont see any other like this ? I know you have friends who can manipulate things same like building bots and scripts .......I know you manipulated your comment , and the people who chek the first time also , sad is you know it to hehe . Damm great efort you put in it !