I have never written a book and how difficult it is for me to write everything and for my girlfriend to like it, what a drama.
It seemed a very problematic month for me. I had many feelings on the surface, I was coming out of a very toxic relationship, very disgusting. I just cried and lost faith in love. I tried many things to stop feeling so miserable in life, I even blamed myself for everything that had happened, but that story is for another time.
My 31 was the most disgusting and fake shit I could have, full of promises that were broken in just 3 days.
On January 3 everything had finished with my ex, which was controlling everything in their favor, and leaving the whole story as it seemed best, that disgust.
Those days were horrible, I remember that I did not have a phone to distract me with. I live in a cave literally, without WiFi, or cable TV, or a play or PC to distract me, so I only went to the university and then exercise and from there to my house. It does not take me long to consume myself in depression after finishing a relationship, but I think it has been the best thing that has happened to me.