The language of Love

in #love9 years ago (edited)

My research tells me the world’s top four popular topics are God/religion, love, money-power, and terrorism. God and love are as if contained in one magnetic field; they pull towards each other with a strong bond, a powerful connection. Therefore wherever God exists, love exists too. This being my favourite topic, I chose to write about love.

A student of mine inspired me to write. He pinged me in the middle of the night: “Write a book Ma’am!”. I laughed, but at the same time took that as a sign from God, paused for a moment to, wonder if I could…echoes and voices telling me, asking me if I can. After being such a motivation for my students I thought there would be many you would appreciate my positivity.

Not to forget the critics in life sometimes near and dear ones or the mind itself. Sometimes critics can be your greatest inspiration. I thought of giving it a try by penning down a few lines and found that I had finally graduated from writing songs and a few lovely lines for my dear husband to blogging! My husband is my inspiration, the reason behind my every smile, my gift from above.

We live in a world where oceans and mountains of poetry, songs, films, plays and books have been written on love, and yet we find this world loveless. If we open our eyes to see how the world functions, we would notice how it operates in a selfish and absolutely mean way.

Everyone wants to get love but nobody knows how to give love. We all lack compassion towards each other and easily find ways and means to hurt the people we love. Interestingly the very purpose of life is to love. Our very existence is to love.

"Yet although a mother may unconditionally love her child, we never learn to love her back in the same way. Or even if we do, we often fail to express the same kind of love"

Life is all about the choices you make, each second. Choose happiness by exercising self-control. I know many a times when I am yelled by a loved one I never yell back at that moment I don't back answer, I simply believe that not a kilo gram from your body reduces when someone yells but only zipping your mouth at that the situation is in control , not that I can't answer back, I make a choice not to make loved one upset by words action or negative behaviour. Please try it works. Life doesn't come with a set of instruction or a manual. Each experience is teaching us something. All that matters is how you react. life's greatest lessons are learnt from the mistakes we make, and the whole beauty of making these mistakes is to not repeat them. Failing to learn leads to unhappiness.

Only if we learn to open our arms and spread them wide to seek love and show love, this world will be filled with love and compassion. Simple gestures bring happiness with them. Love and happiness always go together. Love is a verb, so it surely requires action. Love is a billion-dollar’s-worth investment. If invested wisely you will reap the benefits

Allow me to quote Mother Teresa : "I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love."

Let's talk about the language of love. The language of love is the simplest: you simply choose to love no matter what. The very nature of love is giving without waiting to get. Surrender to this love – this love is all you need. And may you receive this kind of love daily and remember to give back the same love.

Keep living and loving blissfully
Kind regards