Thoughts On Love

in #love7 years ago

When you speak about having belief and faith in Love, it becomes like another religion.
Instead, see the truth of who you are, at that point you know that you are Love itself. Let love shine from that place.

The great thing about Love, is that it includes everything. If one needs, or wants challenge, courage or the truth, love will deliver that to you. Love is such a compassionate, unyielding sword, that 'love is' the very suffering, trial, or seeming obstacle it is delivering. Love delivers precisely where needed. This is not belief or faith, but insight, revelation, and knowing.

I know that there is nothing for me to do, that I am made out of the stuff called love. Love is inseparable from me. I don't need to deserve it, because I am it. Love is really in control here in my little life, and love is orchestrating all of Life. I don't need to stand for it, or believe in it, or have faith in it; it does quite nicely on its own. I am free in it and I have always been free and always will be free. No need for self concern, although that rises too, and yes, that is love too. So I know no-thing and no one, is left out of this thing called love, it is an impossibility; love can't be separated out from anything.

Here's to: The Greater Love!