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RE: Mea Culpa: I Have To Own Up To My Own Hypocrisy!!!!

in #love7 years ago

My friend, I am not aware of what happened, but it does take courage to do what you just did. I respect that. As we venture along this journey, we are all being asked to lead by example. We cannot change others or force our will against them either. Walking our own path is the highest road that we can travel. I pray to Creator that you find a way to forgive yourself as you work through these feelings. We all make mistakes and we are all not going to agree. Despite what anybody else does, we are held accountable for our own actions or inaction as they will be held for their own too.

How we resolve conflict will determine the strength of the relationships we have in our lives. It takes a lot of work and courage to look in the mirror and take responsibility. I respect that my friend. I pray you find your way through this and move on while building on the lessons learned along the way.

May Creator bless you with peace, freedom, prosperity, joy and love. May we all take the road less traveled and lead by example. Be the change we want to see in this world.


It has to do with his previous posts, nothing serious, I think that no excuse was needed... but since he found the need for it and went through, we can only admire his courage. :)