Make you know that person that makes you laugh until it hurts, the only one that heals any pain from the past but more than that, makes you forget it. The one who teaches you that love is not painful or confusing. Until you meet that person who makes you sure there is something. The person who teaches you to trust someone more than yourself. The one who calls you when he says he will do it, who always answers you and never makes you doubt. Be single until that person appears, the one that respects you and treats you better than anyone before, the one that builds you and trusts you, the one that helps you sleep better just by sleeping next to you, the one you throw at least just after saying goodbye, stay single until you find that person who is sincere with their feelings and does not hide them from anyone, the only one that not only introduces you to your family, but makes you feel part of it, which He knows how to make you feel good on a bad day. The person who makes you redefine love since you met her. Stay single until you meet that person who makes you sure they want you in your future. To which you look in the eyes and in them you see the next 50 years of your life. The one that tells you I love you and you feel it in each bone. With the sometimes fights but never stop fighting for each other, until you meet someone who makes you better. The one that makes you happier than you could have imagined, in which you think when the songs sound, and you put them a little higher, stay single until you find your best friend and at the same time, your best half, your soul twin, with which you imagine since you met her