We choose LOVE

in #love6 years ago (edited)


On airplane a flight attendant asked, Beef or Chicken? Cheese or Seafood?
ohh, do you have any animal-cruelty-free foods please

Sometimes you can’t just check mark inside the box for your answer.
But we’re conditioned to answer a multiple choice question in our modern world. Often time, there are 2 choices.

Are you with HER
or are you with Trump?

Ohh, can we choose someone else who doesn’t kill people, animals and nature?
My voice is ridiculed as it doesn’t fit into the box of America’s multiple choice.

People are conditioned to register as red or blue.
Democrats and Republicans blame each other for our problems until the end game of New World Order.
Only a few see that both parties serve the same boss. And this boss, a small super elite group of controllers want to see us fight among us, so that we will be too busy pointing fingers at each other and not look at the boss to blame.
And this is how the filthy rich owners of the world banking system control the world and keep the freedom away from the 99%. But if you don’t realize you’re being slaves, then the world would continue as if this is normal. And the commoners fight among us so that we won’t throw stones at the boss to take over the world they control.

The same mindset of 2 Party system is everywhere, and they are here to divide us.

Are you pro-life or pro-choice
Are you Anti-vaxxer or pro-vaxxer
Are you pro-Israel or Anti-semite

Are you racist, feminist, communist… oh, all these -ist and -ism we have given names to so that we can divide ourselves into different groups and different ideologies to keep us fighting with the ones who disagree.
Diversity, differences, forgiveness, cannot be celebrated when you’re deep into the land of -ism.

We are being played and fueled by the mainstream media that is also controlled by the boss.
People can’t stop talking about black this and white that, label everything looking through racist visions by using racial words.
Only a few see rainbows in all of us and feel we are all One.

Are you Muslim, Jewish, Christian, Atheist, etc
Check your box under religions and look at us fighting, making wars for centuries over religions.
Only a few know spirituality has nothing to do with religions, and see how most religions plant fear in people’s minds.

Fear is opposite of love

Fear tries to get us from every angle possible if we let it.
People are scared of even the sunshine nowadays.
Your TV keeps telling you to fear this and that.
Fear makes you arm yourself, your body and your mind.

If there should be one multiple choice question in the world, this should be it.

Are you for Love or not?

This is the only one box we can all check yes no matter who you are and where you are from, we can all connect with love.
Say good by to all those boundaries the controllers of the world laid out in front of us, and let’s start smiling at each other among us.

I choose LOVE.
We are all one.

Photo by Erik McGregor


Peace and Love Yuka ! Happy Holidays

Peace and love and much gratitude to Clumsysilverdad❤️ My only reader in 2018 and Steem it wasn’t a lonely place thanks to you 😊