LoveFriday - Help and to be helped - gentle hearts (Part II - Money transfer)

in #lovefriday4 years ago

Hello dear hiveans :)

For those who read my last LoveFriday post and Sewing skirts to help people in need might know that I want to help Neia with some money. The main purpose is to be able to send 300 boxes with clothes to Mutarara in Mozambique as she has already done in the past.


The good news she gave me recently is that the 300 boxes are already fulfilled. She also read the post and loved it.

So...important things first:

Thank you so much for all the upvotes and tips!!

Now it's time to do the accounting of my two posts and donation/ tips:

Posts payouts:

Donations/ Tips:

All sums 23.2 Hives.

Considering that each box's shipping cost is about 30€, I haven't collected enough to send one box at the actual conversion rate (0,10$).
Although I prefer to consider each Hive is about 1€ (or a bit more) and I have transferred to Neia's account 23.2€ (equivalent 1€ per Hive) + 36.8€ to accomplish the shipment of two more boxes.

Additionaly @rmach gave more 10€ to help her accomplish their mission.

The total amount transferred was 70€.

For privacy reason I hid personal bank information.

Why I want so badly to help her!?

About two months ago I was home moving and suddenly I had to deal with lots of objects that I didn't use for a long time, and have no room for them anymore.

I tried to sell some of those articles, and one of those was a futton that I bought in Ikea back in 2006. I wanted to sell the futton for 100€ and was considering asking my uncle if he could keep it in his garage until I sold it.

Then, when I met Neia she told me about a couple that was sleeping over a carpet on the floor. How is that possible in 2020!? (unemployment and shame, obviously, covid might have helped)

That day I carried the futton with my mom and uncle, to Neia's house so that she could contact the couple and gave it to them.

Futton structure and other objectes given away

Two days after they arranged transportation and the futton went to that couple's home. I might not have solved all their problems, but at least they can sleep more comfortably now...and we all know how important is to have a good sleep.

Let's look for love!! More love please!!(EN)

This is what I would like to see shared under the #LoveFriday:

  • Positivity: That's the main purpose!! In a world were sad stories are pumping everywhere, sharing positivity is even more precious;
  • Romantic or not: There is plenty of room for romantism, but not only. It can be a mom and daughter caring gesture, simply someone helping another one, and so on, but proper for all ages (no NSFW please);
  • Stories, music, photography and any kind of art related: The window of possibilities is enormous, feel free!

Vamos procurar por amor!! Mais amor por favor!! (PT)

Gostaria que na tag #LoveFriday fosse partilhado:

  • Positividade: Deve ser o mote principal!! Num mundo onde as más notícias são mais do que muitas, a partilha de situações positivas é fundamental;
  • Romântico ou não: É claro que se pode dar azo ao romantismo, mas não só. Poderão partilhar gestos de ternunra entre mãe e filho(a), ou simplesmente alguém a auxiliar outra pessoa, entre outros, desde que adequado a todas as idades (nada de NSFW por favor);
  • Histórias, música, fotografia e qualquer tipo de arte: A janela de possibilidades é grande, sintam-se à vontade!


I am glad to see you bringing back/encouraging the use of this tag again! We could definitely use more positivity in a world of so much hardship and chaos going on right now.

What a blessing for that couple that can now sleep more comfortably. That was so generous of you.

I hope you reach your finance goals in helping to send more boxes.

Fingers crossed to reach the needed amount to send all those boxes! 🤗Thank you for your kind words and also for the tip of @needleworkmonday :)

Absolutely!! 😉

♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️

Parabéns pela atitude, Lili! Quanto tempo, espero que você esteja bem!

Oi Jammerson!! Há quanto tempo mesmo!! Por aqui tudo bem, mas fechados novamente em casa por causa da maldita pandemia.
Pelo menos vamo-nos mantendo Covid free :)
E convosco?

A pandemia, como dizemos aqui, "já encheu o saco" (estamos fartos). Eu tive a doença por volta de abril de 2020. Fiquei 3 semanas doente em casa, foi complicado, mas estou bem. A boa notícia é que eu e a @cleateles tivemos nossa primeira filhinha, Bernadette. :) Não sei se você está no Instagram ou Facebook, podemos manter contato por lá. O meu Insta (jammersonsantana), Facebook também.

Beijão pra você e fiquem bem!

Oi Jammerson!!
Uau,que boas noticias. Muitos parabéns pela vossa filha :D

Do covid...pffff, aqui também é já uma saturação que não tenho paciência. Estamos teoricamente em confinamento geral, mas há liberdade para alguns trabalharem...o que na prática resulta que quase todo o mundo anda na rua. Os cafés, restaurantes e serviços não essenciais estão fechados e podemos até ser multados se circularmos sem justificação.

Enfim, Portugal!

Insta não tenho (ainda n percebi a utilidade...) e FB já te enviei pedido de amizade :D
Beijo p todos!

Just saw this today and for sure, the #BeerSaturday helps with 10 HIVE and a bdage for you....

Prost and !BEER

I've known the 300 boxes are already packed, not sure though when they can be shipped...I think one must wait for the lockdown to end.
Hi @detlev! Thank you so much for the extra help, much appreciated! :D Hope I can join the #BeerSaturday later:) I have a special edition of beer :D

BEERHey @liliana.duarte, here is a little bit of from @detlev for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

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