I knew the minute my husband gave his heart to me that I'd have it forever.
We met in 1987 and we were friends for 20 years before we started dating. If I knew then what I do now, I would've never wasted so much time!
Completely and unconditionally. I know it, I feel it and I love him for it. He's the man of my dreams, he's my best friend and always will be.For me, this candid photo of us on our wedding day, captures the way @jacor looks at me and still does after all this time. The way he looks at me is the way he loves me and treats me -
Photo taken by Tonia Venter
Love you my Plankie! ❤️
Jy beter my love Stok! I just made myself look soppy in public for you. But you're worth it.
This is so adorable haha
I'm glad that you still have a strong bond and that you are inseparable
Thank you @arckrai. I'm so thankful for the bond I share with my husband.
Congratulations on a successful marriage. It is hard to do, but I am 10 years happily (usually!) married myself. A strange, sometimes difficult ride, but well worth it.
Thank you @lilrut. I agree. It's not always smooth sailing and there are a lot of challenges, but if you work at it together it's worth it.
How beautiful!!!
Thank you @hebro.
Thank you for looking after my brother...I am so happy he married you!
Thank you for insisting I marry him ;p He's worth looking after! Plus I get to have the best sister-in-law in the history of forever!
AWww.. heart melts thank you for sharing the sweet energy
Only a pleasure @healthwealth.
WOW, thats so inspiring, thank you for sharing your story with us @naomi-louise
Thank you for your kind comment @boudani
Hey better late than never. Hold on to him tight. This goes to show there are still a lot of great guys out here. Be happy, stay happy and always communicate! Best of luck to the both of you.
Thank you very much for the kind wishes @legeauxleads. I'm truly blessed to have such a great man.
Nice post, beautiful :)
I am so proud of these two they gave me wonderful grandchildren and they are really wonderful people, not because they are part of me but because they care for everyone thanks for this beauriful post.
Thanks @bigbear. We are blessed to have parents who lead by example.
Julle lyk pragtig
Ag baie dankie @scotty777
Beautiful photograph - how blessed are we to be married to our best friends and men who adores us.
Thank you @anneke. We are very blessed.