Shabbat Shalom! A Friday's Love Dedication To Cultural Diversity ๐Ÿ’™

in #lovefriday โ€ข 7 years ago (edited)
We are - at almost every point of our day - immersed in cultural diversity: faces, clothes, smells, attitudes, values, traditions, behaviours, beliefs, rituals. - Randa Abdel-Fattah

And I love that it's like that, Randa!

That's why my today's #LoveFriday post is about diversity. Thanks for having me again in your wonderful series, @liliana.duarte.

Last summer I went to the Maldives for surfing and met some amazing people from all over the world, three of them with their homes in Israel.

They are Hebrew, and on Friday they salute each other saying Shabbat Shalom.

Shabbat is Hebrew for Sabbath, and Shalom means peace. I like this common greeting a lot since you are wishing someone a peaceful time in the end.

I'm not Jewish, however I enjoy embracing different cultures and religions and assimilate parts of it that correspond with my own values and beliefs.

What is diversity about if we're all Earthlings in the end?

@surfermarly with her surf buddies in Maldives

We're all in the same boat โ›ต

The beauty of the world lies in its diversity.

Yes we've got all our background, story, education, values and beliefs, yet we're all sharing the very same place. Sometimes we forget about that being lost in our routine, day-to-day-problems, tasks, goals, needs, wishes,...

But we're all still in the very same boat.

Including the photographer in the above copied picture you'd count 5 different nationalities and 3 different religions on one single boat ๐Ÿ“ท

South Africa, Germany, Italy, Israel and Maldives - what a mix!

Now one might believe that we didn't have a common denominator.

I'll tell you something: we didn't know each other when we met at the Guesthouse on the island of Himmafushi for the very first time.

We were strangers, but conntected right away. Why? Because we're all open-minded and enjoy embracing the unknown.

To be fair you need to know that surfers have an easy game here. They've got this special insanity running through their veins that is able to quickly create a social bond.

If you know the movie "Point Break", you'll know what I mean.

But surfing is just one of a million anchors here.

The story is still the same: It doesn't matter where you come from or where you're going, like-mindedness doesn't care about nationality, skin colour, religion or any other circumstances.

So whenever you have the chance to mix your own culture, traditions, beliefs with others: do it. No bank account in the world will satisfy you more than social enrichment.

Have a wonderful weekend, steemians!

Big hugs & much love ๐Ÿ’™

Marly -

PS: This is to my buddies on the boat... See you again soon!!!

@surfermarly today's afternoon at her favourite place: the beach.

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Super Post meine Liebe :)

Ich bin da ganz deiner Meinung, wir sind alle Menschen, egal von wo wir kommen, welcher Religion wir angehรถren und so weiter...

Schรถnen Abend noch ;)

Ich mag das "und so weiter" :-)
Vielen Dank und auch Dir einen tollen Abend!

hihi :)

danke, war ein sehr schรถner Abend ;)

Diversity is one of the things I love about you most. I grew up with diversity so I really know no other way than to be accepting of other cultures. Besides... the way I grew up, if we went to someone else's house and were rude we got our butt beat! It gave me a lesson in tolerance, acceptance, and diplomacy. One rule I live by... try it at least once (within reason); if you don't like it you don't have to do it again.

As for religion... I'm an open book. One might say I've never been uncomfortable visiting anyone's house of worship. And for nearly 10 years I was invited to sing for the High Holy Days (Rosh Hoshannah, Yom Kippur and Kol Nidre) at a local temple. It was a moving experience every year.

Besides... the way I grew up, if we went to someone else's house and were rude we got our butt beat!

Ha, I also got some slaps from time to time! Today there is this common believe that kids can't be touched. I'm not sure if this is a good idea. There was nothing wrong with our "more physical" education back then... I mean: look at us :-)

One rule I live by... try it at least once (within reason); if you don't like it you don't have to do it again.

This. But you know what: it's an educational issue - like you mentioned. If kids are not shown how to embrace the unknown, they won't ever do it... Open-mindedness is a value that needs to be taught!

As for religion... I'm an open book.

I love your attitude! Sometimes the things we're most sceptical about turn out to be extremely interesting and contributive in the end.

Viva the open-mindedness! :-)

PS: Sorry for the late reply, I took my weekend off(line)...:)

This is beautiful LoveFriday submission and so important to remember we all should get along with each other or at least try it. Diversity and getting to know different traditions and cultures is not only important but also required - and it is fun too.

Vielen lieben Dank, Uwe!
Who if not you might know that. Different cultures and perspectives highly contribute to our personal development. In the end we're all sharing the very same planet, so I've never really understood how some people could believe that the Earth belongs more to them than to anybody else...

Can't wait to meet you in person and talk about all these great things :-)

Full 100% upvoted and resteemed :-)

Thank you infinitely!!! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

I have lived in many places and enjoyed many cultures. They have truly enriched my life.

I can totally relate!
Isn't this one of the things that most contributes to our personal development?

Yes!! The message of this post is exactly what I love steemit for, a global community with no borders, with great diversity which makes it so fantastic, just like you lovely Marly!!

Oh that was cute, honey ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
You are absolutely right, and obviously I was thinking about steemit when writing this little piece of content. We're all coming together from different angles of this planet and then suddenly notice: we've got much more in comming that we might actually believe. (Still having our lovely pizza encounter in mind...)

Big hugs and wishing you a wonderful start into the week!!!

I like this and Steemit - here people of different cultures, nationalities and religions, and all peacefully live and share with each other.

Thanks for stopping by, you totally read my mind :-)

Through the internet and advancements in transportation, we are all connected. So much so that actions on one side of the earth can have an effect on the other side of the earth. With such connection, all that there is to do is love one another and enjoy life together.


Nicely said, @masteranibal!
You've got a new follower now :-)

Thank you so much! :)


I I were you I wouldn't post this massive signature in every comment... (Too aggressive :-))
Have a great day!

ย 7 years agoย (edited)ย 

Thank you for the feedback! I want to bring attention to my page but I really don't want to be "that guy" that says check out my blog... resteem and upvote my posts. I don't like that kind of stuff. So I was thinking that the signature image would be a good compromise. I hope you have a great day too! :)


Excellent post and I fully agree the world would be such a better place if everyone embraced diversity but sadly to many have blinkers on for their own culture and ways

Living in Israel for 3 years I heard and said Shabbat Shalom so many times and know similar in other languages


Oh you were living 3 years in Israel? Where exactly if I may ask? I've got friends in Haifa.

the world would be such a better place if everyone embraced diversity

I couldn't agree more!

I was living in Nahariya right by the border

Visited Haifa many times :)

Shabbat Shalom!

Shabbat Shalom! We're currently at 30 degrees outside temperature at my place, and it's 9pm. This is going to be a peaceful but also HOT weekend :-)

wow,,,,It looks like so much fun

ย 7 years agoย (edited)ย 

It was!!! That was one year ago. Can't wait to see them again some day :-)

And definitely keeps thousands of wonderful memories... ohh ๐Ÿ˜Œ๐Ÿ˜Œ๐Ÿ˜Œ

I also love Friday and feel relax due to Holidays.

Lucky youuuu! :-)) I don't have holidays right now, but will have in November when traveling to Steemfest.

The story is still the same: It doesn't matter where you come from or where you're going, like-mindedness doesn't care about nationality, skin colour, religion or any other circumstances.

Well copied, @rezarezz. Anything you wanna add? :-D

I don't think you have to be a surfer to accept diversity its something everyone can feel and i think it can also apply to our attitude to animals, can we love a wasp as much as we can our dogs and cats or show some love to a frog as well as a kitten :)

I don't think you have to be a surfer to accept diversity its something everyone can fee

Yip, that's exactly what I said in my article :-) I just mentioned that we've got an "easier game", but that this can apply to any other activity or field of interest (like animals that you mentioned).

Great to see you and your surf buddies all huddled together.
I think it is beautiful that we have so many different races, creeds and cultures. It adds a little bit of fun to how bland our lives are discovering new things that are just the norm for others. However the main thing is that we should treat each other justly and not classify one type of race over another which happens from time to time nowadays @surfermarly

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@surfmarly it is a wonderful time to pause and to consider the ways that we can be kinder to our planetโ€“to its water, to its weather, to its plants, and to its animals. But at this time of year, I also like to remember how the diversity of the people on this earth is what makes it truly great. I like to consider the importance of saving its peopleโ€“especially its childrenโ€“too.

My friends on Sesame Street can tell that story much better than I can:

I think you wanted to add a link but there was none...? :)

Great post! I love contributing to anything that gives the feeling that you're getting well over 100% enjoyment out of each day... that's a great way to live life. Looking forward to your next one. All the Best! @BoydMan

We are all in the same boat!!

Now it's time to get everyone paddling in the same direction.

Shabbat Shalom also and thanks for the share @surfermarly. I am not a Jew but I love visiting Israel to get to know them. Upvoted and followed.

Lovely ๐Ÿ˜

My first name is Hebrew. And when I've left my current place of work I'll talk to ya about diversity!

Very Nice pic

so wonderfull....greeting from aceh, There is a beautiful thing in my post, you will not regret opening it, you will surely enjoy its natural beauty, please please at upvote..thanks ... god bless u

ย 7 years agoย (edited)ย 

'No bank account in the world will satisfy you more than social enrichment.'

I couldn't have said it better!! I love to know others costumes (cultures), that's one of the reasons I love Steemit!! :)

Other costumes... that was nicely said :-)
Thanks for your lovely comment and looking forward to the next #LOVEFRIDAY ๐Ÿ˜

looking forward to the next #LOVEFRIDAY

Me too!! :)