LOVE it or SHOVE it Challenge
Hey @junebride! As I've read your post, I find it more interesting, so I've accepted the challenge.
The rules are very simple:
• List five things that you love
• List five things that you really dislike
• Nominate as many friends as you like
• Use the tag #loveitshoveit
@zurielzurin's Love it List
1. Travel
I love to travel. That is number one on my list. Travelling would be great when you are with your special someone to travel to. It is a sort of making memories with them. And this could be the way also to immerse myself with other cultures. This I will know how they work for in their daily lives.
2. Drawing
I love drawing. This is a sort of expressing myself with what I feel. I'm not really a good artist, but as long as I know how to do it, I never stop trying until I make it perfect.
3. Puppies
I love puppies. The first puppy I've got is on my friend, I named him, Moi-Moi. It takes a year until he die, through car accident. My sister do mourn for almost 2 days until she recover from it. And a few months after he died, another dog came through my Mom's friend, his name is Lucky. Another one is Shawee our girl puppy.
4. Strong Internet Connection
Without it it would somewhat like boring. It is a sort knowing what is the current events in the whole word. And without the delay, my work through internet will be fast to do.
5. Be with My Partner
Being with her is heaven. With her, I can be true to myself. Despite that we argue most of the time, still we both end up loving each other. We're on the process of creating memories, now and for the following days, months, years, Forever!
@zurielzurin's Shove it list
1. No water supply
Without water supply, it could be so disgusting. You can't even have proper hygiene. I can't live without it. Everyday I wash my clothes, and use the water for drinking purposes, so I won't get thirsty. And also take a bath everyday of course!.
2. Snakes
I really hate snakes, I can't even let myself holding one. I feel goosebumps and will run far away when I see one.
3. Lies
Lies is what I hate, with my friends. I'd rather want them to tell in front of me than to backbite me when I'm away. And if someone will lie to me, I will not even remember that he/she is a friend.
4. Dark Places
I'm not really into dark places when I'm alone. I feel like there is someone behind, who is watching. Much better if I have flashlight though.
5. No internet connection
Without it, I can't even do my job well through online, or send important emails that is need to be sent. And without it, I can't do update through Social media.
Challenge done! It's your time, just follow the requirements. And I'm nominating @jeraterta and @uwanderer.

wow you are quick my friend! great to see your list too! keep steeming!
Thank you @junebride 😊
no Internet is like death, hehe
it is really not that nice of not having an internet connection, because having an internet is a sort of knowing the news around the world. without it, it sucks.