I went online to search for articles on how to make a lady fall in love with you. After srfing the internet for three hours, i finally got what i was looking for. I wrote down al i needed and memorized it. I smiled to myself when i was sure i was god to go.
My plan was to walk up to sandra and pour out all the sweet words i have memorized which i believe would melt her heart and make her fall in love with me. I went to bed that night smiling all through.
After class the next day i went to the school resturant to have launch. Sandra walked into the resturant five minutes later. She glanced at my direction and caught me already staring at her. She ignored me and went to her usual seat sat. A sudden fear griped me and started doubting if i would be able to accomplish my plan, i waved it aside by telling myself that I was prepared for the outcome
I recited my memorized line, and when I was sure I was good to go, I stood up and walked towards her. I stood beside her table and starred silently at her. She was too engrossed to her meal to notice my presence, while I was still contemplating if I should distract her, she looked up from her table and our gaze locked.
A sudden fear gripped me and my mind went blank. I forgot all i had memorized, she starred intensly at me, waiting for me to state my reason to distract her from having her meal, i tried to say "hi" but my voice sounded like a whisper even to my own ears, i tried to speak but my voice failed me. After starring at her without having anything to say, i finally stretched my notebook to her, she collected the notebook still starring at me, she flipped through the pages and turned back to me.
"What should I do with this"? She asked
"erm... erm..." I stammered
" I want you to explain something to me, I still don't understand the topic that was treated today by Dr Grey"
"Which part don't you understand", she asked.
I pointed the part i wanted her to explain on the notebook.
"Ok i will ecplain it to you when am down with my meal".
I sat next to her and waited for her to finish her food, when she was done eating, she explained the topic to me, i tried to pay for her meal when we were done, but she politely declined.
I went home that day happy, not because i acheived my aim, but because i finally talked to sandra. Now that i have finally talked to sandra, i would now plot my other plans which was to make her fall in love with me. I also needed to be careful not to allow her friendzone me, because i know that ladies like sandra can easily friendzone a guy without a second thought.
I used the whole of my bedtime planing my next move on how to make her fall in love with me and not to friendzone me. When i figured out a method i smiled to my self. At the same time i needed to tread carefully in order not for my plan to backfire.
I walked into the school resturant the next day and found sandra already having launch. I walked up to her and sat next to her.
" hi sandra"
"hi" she responded
"I really want to thank you for helping me out yesterday. I'm really grateful"
"its nothing"
"I found it difficult to comprehend what the lecturer taught in class, but after you explained it to me, it just look as easy as ever" i said
"sometimes we just need a little help from our coursemates so as to understand what was taught in class better, so its nothing" she responded.
I placed a hand on my stomach
"I'm really hungry. I need to order for food now" i said
"thanks once more"
"you are welcomed" she responded.
I stood up and went to the counter to place my order. After receiving my order, i carried my food, walked passed her and placed my food on a different table. I sat down and started consuming my lauch. I knew she was expecting me to place my food on her table and sit beside her, but i just had to disappoint her, from my personal research i realised that most ladies fall for guys that they can't easily predict their moves. So i had to make sure that she don't predict every of my move.
I walked up to her when am done to let her know i was leaving. I left her without waiting for her response. I kept smiling at my ney found courage as i walked back home.
You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:
It should be achieved instead of acheived.We encourage and support minnows.
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