Sort: MAKE IT EASIER?!? It's on, my friend! 😂

Haha....To funny well if it makes you feel better i got no place in the contest :(

Pfff... Again? He is going too far with these "motivational" prizes. Next round I will check somwthing as I have a feeling. 😉

Yep..again he is forgetting who stood by him when hardly anyone else did and we even accepted no prize money a couple of times you remember i don't care about that but have some consideration for the people that stood by him and still are well maybe not for much longer...Pfff :)

Well... I will still join when I can as he was the first one who liked my photos. Call me a nostalgic but it's almost a year since then. 🙂
This round I will enter a digital edit. He is into arts. 😉

Well he might like that good to give him something different good luck with that :)